Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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March 7, 1954

tfiittlrtlnti.lii 2 itu re



Kali in pong, March 1

Prince Peter, and Prin-
cess Irene of < Ireece have
returned '° Kalimpong
after two months' travel
in French Indo-C'h.ina,
Hongkong . and Japan.

In an interview, I'rince
IVtrr. a noted anthropo-
logist. • stated, that the
tmnpes in Ankor (Indo-
le lin i) ihoved definite and
interesting early Indian
inllunnces l Moies ab-
originals of thit country,
resembled those of Assam
closely, living in similar
communal houses and on
tliD itme types of food
and drink.

At Hanoi, he visited
the I'rench School ol the
P»r East and m-t fellow-
anthropologists who were
studying tha hill tribes
on the borders of Burma ■
and Indo- h:na.

After spen ling Christ-
mas at Hongkong as quests
of the Governor, Sir Ale-
lander Grantham, Prime
Peter anl Princes Irene
went to Japan w here they
were received hv the Em-.
p>ror and Empress. They
weut on a duck hunt
with the Grown Prince
when large buttTllv tvpes
of nets were, used to;cap .
ture the birds

A visit to the town of .
OUu was specially arrah
ged for Prince P"ter. as. ■ "
it was. here til it hii father


Darjeeling, March 4
Sri T. Wangdi Deputy
Minister -Tribal Welfare
and Excise Departments,
Government of West Ben-
gal who arrived at Dar-
jeeling on Sunday last,
met the local Tribal lea-
ders and also th» repre-
sentatives of the Darjee-
1 ng Sherpa Association
He al-o met th> Oongw
workers and various offi-
cials and non officials in
Darjeeling On the follow-
ing day, the Deputy
Minister left for Kalim-
pons where he met the
members of the Advisory
Committee and. leading
Monks of the Ther-Pa-
Cho Ling Monastery at
Tirpai. Leaders of the
Lepcha an<l Hhotia cp-
mniunittes and others were
also interviewed bv him
Coming back to Darjeeling
next dav he visited the
Excise Office, Darjeeling
and. in the even in cr atten-
ded the meetines of (Ihoom
B ivs' Junior High School
and twirls.' M. B. School

^tellrd the nssiilant who
attempted to assassinate
the late Emperor Nicholas.
The Japanese have care-
fully preserved all th" re-
lics of the incident inclu-
ding a blood-stained hand-
kerchief belongire to Prin-
- c'» Peters; father.:

They went, to Hokkaido
to. : meet the Aiajt,- tho


(Fturn Our tfptriid Jiepre<rnt<i}tr<)

Darjeeling, March's
Under the auspices- of
the Regional Tourist Ofli-
cer.. Calcutta,'-'a'"-branch'
bureau is to he shortly,
opened at Chowrasta Dar-
jeeling, to deal with. afj
matters, concerning foreign,
tourists and Indian v.'.m-'-.
tor- The Deputy Commi-
ssioner. Darjeeling is short-
ly calling a meeting, of tin"
Committee to discuss and
finalise arranneinentsreg u-
ding furniture, staff etc.
for the office . -,*.'. '', -.

The functions of the
Bureau wit! incorporate
treks, excursions- trans-
port arrangements between
airport a ri d . 7. Darjeeling '
Data of maps1; ana book's
covering -all beauty spots
in the District and Sikkim
will be available to tou-
rists and these should
meet a much needed want
in this hitherto neglected
hill .station.

It is anticipated that '
■as a result of . facilities
to be provided by,*' this
organisation the District
will- greatly benefit by
, increased influx of visitors.

aboriginals of Japan who
are gradually lnsi ig their
identity through inter-

Prices Peter will conti-
nue his anthropological
and language studies here-.

r A.r<LY REPAIRS PROLONG RADIO LIFE ~ Darjeeling Radio Co., Darjeeling