Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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May 23, 1954


Under tlie Five Year Plan of Edu-
cational Development the Govt, of WeBt
Bengal in consultation with the Govt,
of India have formulated a Scheme for
the improvement and ■ expansion of edu-
cational facilities in the hill area*, with
Xalimpong Basic Training School as main

Under the Scheme tho Basic Trai-
ning School at Kalimpong will be deve-
loped, a new Janata College and a
Central Library will be established there
and two Junior Basic Schools wjll also
be started there for experiments .and
practice teaching. In rural areas Four
Community Centres, four Area Libraries
with attached feeder Library Centres
aDd conversion of six Primary Schools
into Junior Basic Schools have also been
taken in hand*. . , ' t

In the current year the following
schemes are being sanctioned with the
non-recurring expenses noted against each
of them.

1. Development of the Basic Trai-
ning School at Kalimpong with two
Junior Basic Schools Rs. 1,50,300.

2. Four Community Centres Rs.

3. A Central Library, Area libra-
ries- and Feeder Library Centres Rs.
79 980. - • '

4. A Janata College Rs. 04,200.

5 Improvement of six Primary
Schools Rs. 60,00".

The Centra) Govt, have contributed
60% on the non-recurring expenditure
and 00% of the recurring expenditure.

As the Bcheme . progresses, more
primary schools will b,o taken up for


improvement and conversion into Junior
Basic Schools. Fresh Social education
centres, rural libraries and centres for
recreational facilities will be opened in
the light of the growing requirement of
the villages; The main features of the
scheme are given below : —
(1) Development of the Basic Training
School at Kalimpong
Tho following are the developments.

(1) Additions and alterations to
the existing buildings.

(2) Dormitory for girls.

(3) Four teachers quarters

(4) Two Junior Basic School buil-

(5) Sanitation, Water-supply fencing.
(0) Equipment.

(2) Four Community Centres

The aims and objects of these Co-
mmunity Centres will be to provide such
facilities as would enable the neighbour*
to oome together on an equal footing
to enjoy social, recreational and educa-
tional activities. The Centres would be
managed by the local people themselves,
with an Executive Committee. The Otli-
ce>--in-charge of each Centre will be a
paid employee, if no honorary worker
is available and will be designated as
Warden or Supervisor. The staff of each
pentre will consist of—One Supervisor^
and One Literacy Teacher..

Sanction has been accorded to the
establishment Qf four Community Centres
viz.. at Lower Bong, Dalapchand, Kagay
and Gorubathan.

(3) Integrated Library Service

The Scheme provides for an inte-