Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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IJfcTTEKH to the editor

||imala|an (Tims

" . • Kdlimpong, May 3D, 19.54 *


; Of late mv.or accidents have increased

.in the* town; ■ Rc'cently one c ml J \v is;
killed and another severely injured. Minor
cases an- left unr ported. 'So far-, we can

'see, nothing has been done ■ to prevent
recurrence of such cases. The roads are
without pavements for pedestrians and ilie,
trucks -cars and jeeps run at -.non-regulated
speeds even through the most crowded
streets. One really wonders why the author

: rkies do not adopt measures to prevent
rash, driving. . Even ie'eps h^'onging to
government departments at times carrying/
high officials, ans..driven with, such speed,
through the -m iin streets.- that one is left;
gazing in' sh<Vr amazement.

The remedy is to regulate traffic speed
and make available', footpaths on .main

• streets as far as possible. We hear, more
roadside lands ;ftc going to« he 'settled
with individuals ' for'residential purposes. We
.do not mind construction of new houses
but the authorities, we hope, will see that
sufficient roadside land is left for the better
planning and expansion of this growing town.

• - a pktT:




2 P. M.

Lramatic Ptoduction of 1 MApBETH '

in" Tiiv; Evi3r%i>g

'. t E-Uto* u ;y 'etf-i>r.nt,!t fur rievi 4ipnt**d in l/.i* e*lvm* £d,H. Timti


Sir. An unqualified referee speaks
out to thank tils good writer in the
la-t ''Himalayan 'limes'' for his benovo-
h nt help and kind co operation in regard
to tiie improvem'nl of the spirits of
football matches in the local Mela ground
in which Mr. 1'hapa pointed out various
Kinds of blunders of the referees. 1
have therefore reasons to believe that
such a writer who clearly pointed out
tun blunders of the referees must be
a roal sportsman and a qualified referee
especially in football matches Of course,
according to the nature of standard of
the population of Kalimpong, I can say
that games too will naturally be of like
standard. But T am really glad to find
the writer through his article in the
last "Times" and I hope that in future,
(during the ensuin : Mufnam'Siit in'itohea)
he would be good enough to tell us the
entire 1. F. A. Rules and instruct all
the referees in detail with regard to
the judgement in referring the matehes
It would be better, on our part as well
as- for the spectators, if he could kindly
give a fair example of perfect refereeing
inside the football ground because
EXAMPLE is always bett-r than PRE-
CEPT. We are certainly is need of a
perfect referee like Mr Thapa.

I do not mean to challar.ge him
for his article but I would like to say
with great hope that his appearance
before the players of 2nd June 1954
inside the Mela ground exactly at 15.00
hrs will be highly appreciated but it
will be a matter of disgraco if he failed
to fulfil the earnest request of an un-
qualified referee who is willing to learn.
Yours etc. Lamsing Lama.