Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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August 22, 1954

Simnlnpnu limro



,n n n .1 i > in St. Joseph's Sohool,

( Fro- Our Correspondent) Darjeeling, young Densapa

Gangtok, August 18 Vl^%S^tSt&

The Tri-Co.our flutter- Highness the Maharaja of ^t^gHtS!

mg over almost , every Sikkim. Sheets were die- He passed his B.So and

Louse^op and Motor vehi- tnbuted to the sohool LL.B., from Delhi Univer-

•les the eighth Inde- children. sity. While io Delhi, young

pendenceday was celebra- , # . . Densapa was quite a po

ted at Gangtok at an The ^ ^ pular figure in the student

^SSF^SSSFU M Executive Councillors society, and was elected

h r°e ,R",d.ency- W* have arranged monthly president of the Foreign

attended by large number free oinema shows to the Students Association for

of officials and members „ 8Qhoo, cM4na Q one term. Afrer, gjtting

of the public At 9-lo tok It ia underatobd that for his examination in

am. the Tri-eolour was ;t will be a regular month- Law, he went on tour

unfurled by Sri 3. K , feature- shows being to South India and also

o£PUr' ■IPf-w* PolJtl°a arranged one Saturday for touched Colombo. He is

Officer in Sikkim. A de- fte ^ , an(J * fa the firBt ,aw graduate in

tatcbment of Maharatta Satur(f for ,he b the Bhutia and Lericha

Llght Infantry, -under the jg^ fcewg BevieW8 a;d communities in Sikkim.

SSsTnwithTo'caV' Bov Documentry films will be CHITTaRANJAN MAKES

Scouts and Girl Guide/ lent by the PolitiBBl 0ffioer TWO LOCOS A WEEK

"ted0 arm" The Pot in Sikkim for the ^™ Chittaranjan i. making

tioal Officer and His * « * l?.com<*'}™ N**01* » In"

Highness the Maharaja Of U ig understood that d,a' t.EVJht locomotives a

Sikkim inspected the Guard Sri B. K Kapur, Political 5?" L "^JTm." M«™

of Honour presented by Officer in Sikkim. aooom- tu??g?}7 iK

the Infantry, Scouts and ponied by his Commercial dur,n« tnB last tnree

Guides which also march. Secretary Rai Bahadur m°Vthe emJ of June

ed past and the two Sonam Topden and a num- ,Q.. • . . , . .n .„..

dignitaries took the salute. ber of assistants have left * * afnU a olanned

Thge school boy. ancI the foGyantse They have ^3 only fi^ bad

girl, sang Jana Gana gons there to superv.se ^ turued * E

Mana and otter national the relief works extended mooth hag geen old records

songs, which were much by the Government of being broken, every day

appreciated by the gather- indm to the people who * new standard.

,og. The Political Officer auff6red by the last un- be *

in Sikkim. on behalf of preoedented flood. , Bu tbe chittaranjan

the Government of Ind'a, oan maintain thig

it was aocepted by Hie, son of Rai Bahadur 1. V. °*

r Densapa, has passed his (Continued on pane 8)