Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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(Continued from page 8)

myself to the problem of
exploring the possibility
of furthering the Basic
objective in the export-
market, and arrive at a
definite solution thro1 the
means of Ontral Pool.
What does Central Pool
mean ? We must distin-
guish a little. During all
these periods Kalimpong*
one of the Sub Divisions
of D irje^ling District with-
in the State of West
Bengal, has been virtually
regarded as the only im-
portant Export Centre
from where the goods in
abudauce are transported
to Tibet thro' mule trains.
Under the new Trade
Agreement also K limpong
is recognised as one of
the thro* Trade Centres
in India for commercial
purposes between India
and Tibet. Kalimpong has
thus not been deprived of
its importance in its exist
ing form of export centre,
and such existence is get-
ting keener and keener to
all intents and purpose*.

What is needed is that
the role that rightly be-
longs to the Central Pool
in consonance with the
Basic Objective should bo
to set ont a cordon of
reeular Office in the shape
of Custom at Kalimpong
which should be directly
under the control of the
Political Agent of the
Government of India for


Sikkim, Bhutan and Tibet.
It must be restored to
by all the Trading Public
irrespective of nature of
business in the export It
is only then we can build
up sufficient statistical in-
formation with regard to
the- collectiverepponsefrom
the Trading Public, and
relating to the conditions
of quantity and quality
of the Home Industries
in the export-market.

Perhaps, to some of my
learned readers my article
might appear to be visio-
nary, but, I feel it is not
bO. The arguments I have
put forth will, I doubt
not. open out a new era
in the history of our Home
Industries, if rnly our
Trading Public give of
their best to the realisa-
tion of the fundamental
reasoning of the Basic
Objective. It is there
that the real and true-
sense of patriotism will


(Continued from page 7).
leel something peculiarly
warm and we'.tish on my
feet. I look at the goat,
It is quivering like no-
body's husinesP; its stance
in uncomfortably too un-
mistakable. However, [
feel no resentment at this,
otherwise very ungentle-
manly, behaviour on its
part. The poor, dumb
beast gives me a despa-
rate, apo'ogetic lo?k as


Darjeeline, Sept. 29
Sri Bat ant Kumar Birla
and Nawab Bahadur
Mushirruf Hosain aro
amongst the first batch of
Donors who have enrolled
themselves a» Jsife Mem-
bers of the Himalayan
Mountaineering Institute,
Darjeeling, which is being
set up as: a National
Institute and they have
donated. Rs. 10,0t)0/- and
Rs. 6 000/- respectively.
Their dona tic ns have been
thankfully accepted by the
Vice President of the Ins-
titution, Dr. B. C. Roy.

if appealing:

'Can you b'sme me,
Brother ? I really can't
he'p it."

I look back at it
with an encouraging wink,
trying to convey this
message in my glance.-
"It's o...kay, Partner, go
right ahead! I understand.
And, whilst you're about
it, why not manufacture
a few pellets top ?'' It
nu/,zies my kneeH grate-
fully and its bleat iB warm
with an expression of com-
radeship. The elbow cracks
at my ear again, but, I
manage a smile at the
goat. Then, when I see
its tail beginning to rise
slowly, 1 glance away

— During 1U53, 28,060
tourists of 58 different
nationalities visited India.