Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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October 31, 1954

iHiiuahiunn limf*



[From Our Special Representative)


Darjeeling, October 30

It has been learnt that
Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru,
Prime Minister of India,
will be visiting Darjeeling
on 3rd November, 1954
and will be staying till
the morning of 5th Novem-
ber, 1954.

On his way from Siliguri
to Darjeeling on 3/11/54
he is expected to visit
the S. B. Dey T B. Sana-
torium at Kurseong at
3-45 p.m. lhat evening
he will preside over a
meeting of the Board of
the Himalayan Mountai-
neering Institute, where
the courses of training to
ba imparted by it will
be finalized.

He will lay the founda-
tion stone of the Institute
building on Thursday at
9 a.m. after which he will
see a demonstration by
the staff of the Institute
of rock "limbingand moun-
taineering technique Ha
will then visit the Ohitta-
ranjan Chei>t Clinic and

Darjeeling, Oct. 30
A young boy was run
over by a Jeep yesterday
morning near railway sta-
tion. The boy died imme-
diately after the accident.

Mr. Tenzing's house.

After addressing a pub
lie meeting on the Shru-
bbery Cricket Ground at
3.45 p ra., he will attend
a reception to be held iti
his honour at Raj Bha-
van. He will round off

his programme on Thurs-
day with a meeting with
Congress workers

He is due to leave for
Delhi from Bagdogra next



Kalimpnng, Oct 28

Sri Taruri Kanti Ghosh,
Deputy Minister, Develope-
ment, Relief. Food and
Supplies, Government of

West Bengal, visited Ka-
limpong yesterday. He
met local officials of the
different nation building
departments at a conferen-
ce and discussed with
them about the local
development works in the
sub division. He also ad
dressed a public meeting
at the local Town Hall
in which a lively discus-
sion about the Five Year
Plan, and the develope-
ment schemes concerning
the sub division was held.
Sri t.hosh explained to
the people about the
various nation building
projects layirg special
stress o i local develope-
ment works. He pointed
out that the government
was paying special atten-
tion to improve the con-
dition of the bill people
which was evidenced from
the fact that out of the
15 Community Develope-
ment Blocks in West Ben-
gal, 3 had been allotted
to Darjeeling e.nd were
already functioning. He
appealed to the people to
give their fullest co opera-
tion in the implementation
of the sehemes under the
second Five Year Plan
wh'ch were going to be
taken up on district level
as envisaged in the Plan.

The meeting observed
one minute silence in
honour of late Sri Rati
Ahm d Kidwai, Food and
Agriculture Minister, Go-
vernment of* India.