Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

January 7, 1962


Darjeeling, Jan. 4

"Having reached the
atomio age, we are now
on the verge of what is
oalled the space age, and

CONGRESS PRESIDENT'S SPEECH we should fit ourselves

for it," says the Prime

Sri Sanjeeba Reddy in Congressmen all over the Minister in a message

his presidential speech at oountry will give o session* published in a brochure

the 67th session of Indian thought to it'and work brought out on the occa.

National Congress at Sri- unitedly for rousing new sion of the International

krishnapuri said ''The hopes and aspiration in Symposium of High-AIti-

serious ohallange to the the minds of penple. . tude Problems commeno-

Congrese, he said, would ing here tomorrow,

not tidme from oommunal «<As more amj more

or reaotionery parties, but MAHARAJA OF SlKKlM of our aircraft fly at high

if at all from mutual |[yJ CALCUTTA altitudes, these problems

reorimination among Cong. jL assume great imporU.ioe,

re.tmen themselves. He The Maharaja of Sik- anQ l am ,a(J ^ ^

did not believe in not fa- kirn arrived .n Calcutta Armed F»0e8 Medi<ja,

olng facts and appealed on Friday on a week's Services have taken the

to Congressmen to forget private vi.it to the city. inUiativ6 jn lhi, maUer-

all their mutual quarrels Mr Jigme Horjee Prime . . . .

and to fall in line and Minister of Bhutan and I think that the choice

identify themselves with Mr S. MukherjVe, Seore- of the Himalayan Motin-

the great ideals of the tary to the West Bengal taioearmg mstitute for

Congress The par v stood Governor, received him th,s *y™poeium >« ».b»Py

for the freedom of each at the airport. °ue-. Our mountaineers

group and territorial area « • • have these problem, to

within the nation to de. [*ce »Uo' Md »hw '"«''tu«»

velop its own life and • 7 EXPEDITIONS TO has become the centre of

culture within the large ATTEMPT HIMALAYAN °ur ^"""""eering expe.

framework. Linguistic PEAKS

State.. Whatever we may „ .. -, T _ "I wish the organizers

do, it is essential that we Katnmandu, Jan. 6 0f the sympoisum and the

should realize the truth Seven expeditions will delegates attending it every

and set our faces firmly attempt, different Hinrala- success, and I send them

towords the right direo- yan peaks this apring. Kood wishes for the New

tion and maroh with con- T ,. : Year." Mr. Nehru said,

fidenoe and courage to- , , ™° ., IJnd""'. .--

wards our destiny as a w , u f- '" while in kalimpong
nation 1 to olimb Everest in 1960,

will make an attempt this stay at

Sri Reddy's views are year again. The team ("HAMPiDA^
correct and we hope the will be led by' Major Dies. LnAN UKAj