Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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January 7, 196E

Himalayan Times


ner and, as suoh, it was
decided to render all assis-
tance through the Co-

Development Schemes

The assistance given
to the industry may be
broadly clarified as finan-
cial and techniuul. 'I he
provision of working ca-
pital and glare capital,
supply of improved ap-
pliances, grunting of sub-
sidies, construction of bet
ter houses with better
nu e lilies are some of the
fii a-icial aids. The skilled
weaver working on the
antiquated. - h a n d 1 o o m
could not compete with
the modern milU and po-
wer ooms Taking ooi gnt.
zance of these facts, cer-
taiuv improvements 1 ave
to be effeoted to the
handloom and the tech-
nical know how imported
to the artisena. Training
and service facilities have
therefore been provided
to the weavers. The All
India Handloom Board
bus started technical ins-
titutes at Vnranasi fcnd
Salem. The VV-avers' Ser-
vice .Centres of the All
India Handloom Board at
Calcutta, Varanasi, Bom-
bay, Madras and Kan-
oheepuram are intended
primarily to serve as
channels through which
the handloom industry
receives designs, technical
advice and assistance in
production processors.
Apart from these, a num-

ber of inoentive schemes
like the award of prizes
and conducting of exhi-
bitions have also been
introduced. Besides these
direct helps, the hand'
loom industry was indirec-
tly assisted by curtailing
production of dhoties by
mills, reservation of cer-
tain varieties of cloth for
the bandloOm industry,
and by levying a general
excise duty on mill made

An already pointed
out, nearly 10 million
people are directly or in-
directly engaged in this
industry. 1 here are over
26 lakhs of looms pro-
ducing about 1,900 million
yards of c'oth. consisting
of scores of varieties. The
Industry supplies 25%'of
the clothing needs of the
0 uintiy. The employment
potential than the produc-
tion capacity is the'key-
note of this hereditary
occupation. The fact,
that the handloom fabrics
are slowly, but steadily,
making their into the
foreign markets, marks
an important stage of
development the industry
has attained and the im-
portant place it has occu-
pied in the industrial
map of India. A net
work of sales emparia
have already been started
in and outside the coun-
try by the Apex Weavers'
Co-operative Societies and
the All India Handloom

Fabrics Marketing Co-ope-
rative Society. Co-opera-
tive Spinning Mills are
being started to make
available to the handloom
we vers the required quan-
tities of yarn at reasona-
ble prices. Dye Factories,
Bleaching Centres and
Calendering Plants have
also been established in
rarions places.


Srikrishanpuri, Jan. 4
The Congress President
Mr Beddy, took the op-
portunity of. the flag-
hoisting ceiemoDy here
this morning to restate
India's determination to
liberate the areas illegally
occupied by China and

. Regarding India's po-
werful neighbour, China,
he said "We want China's
goodwill as much as China
needs India's. He accused
China of strengthening its
forces on India's border
and of farther inoursion
into Indian territory.'We
oannot forget this. We
want the Chinese to quit
peacefully and in a friend-
ly way. We. do not want
India and China to be
involved in a oonfliot."
Friendship between these
two countries would bring
friendship among all Asian

He praud tbt Govern-
ment's action in Goa.