Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

January 21, 1962

TENDER NOTICE bB received b? the offioe 4. -High Bench—92* x

of uudersigned upto 27th 32"xl4' Four.

BealedTenderB supers- January 1962 at 12 noon. _ wl ■ R . K,„

oribed "Furniture for The undersigned reserves *• ,Bl.a°k „BRn" tt£t\

Kalimpong Training In,- tne right of accepting an* *40 (W,th 8ta"d)

titnte* are invited from ten(ler without assigning u,,e-

the bonafid. dealers and any rea9nns whatsoever. 6- Table—44" x 26"

Contractors by the under- Tenders will be opened at (with one drawer) One

■igned for the supply of the office of the „nder- 7. Armed ohair for

furniture as specified be- gjeDed before the partieB, Cta^s room One.

liW f .To" .fur,?iture . WI" if they are preset, on \ MAJUMDAR.

be of "Pemsaj wood and 29 1 82 at 10 30 a m. Prinoioal

will bepoliehed exoepting 0 . r"B«'P»1'

item No. 1 who., frame ' Teachers' Platform m Regional Co operative

HDUJ HU, 1 WUUBC It ft til ~ ----- ------ Tt • T V \-_

will be of ''Panisaj" wood -62'' x 72^x 10" Ht. One. Training In.Utute Kalim-

and top of looal wood. 2. Almirahs—(1) For P°°g' '°8

The Furniture should be Sportl, QomU ri- x 3 . x

.upplied within 15 days (with 6 ,„„,„,, 0„e. IN KAUMPONG

th.endat" °f „0rd6r,S (2) For Bo..ke-76" x 50" x STAY AT

at the Gouripur Hmise \ CHANDRA5

Kalimpong at the oost • x ' uiinii

to be incurred bv the 3. Low Benoh—92" X The molt centrally situated

party. The tenders will 19" X 12" Four. Hotel in Kalimpong.

Superb Wooden Furnitures bring Comfort and Luxury to your
home and office. They are made by craftsmen with an eye for
beauty and durability.

Doors, windows, flooring boards etc. of good designs and workman-
ship are made according to estimates and specification of customers.

Small wooden articles and furnishing fabrics of choicest designs
and artittic finish are also available.

Experts on request can be deputed to discuss and suggest any
matter concerning furnishing of bouses and other wooden work.

Please convince yourself with a trial order, and visit our well
equipped carpentry Department. We are always at your service.

Industrial Cooperative Society Ltd., Jtaltoppng.