Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times January 21, 1962


Extension Commissioner, Ministry of Food & Agriculture

A riie in yield par
aore is, in the ultimate
analysis, the deciding fao-
tor in increasing food-
graina production in India.
The Intensive Agricultu
ral Disrict Programme,
popularly known ai"Pao-
kaga Programme'', ia a
aignificaut step in this
direction. The Programme,
which ia already in ope-
ration in aeven States
and ia being gradually
extended to the remain-
ing eight, ia a olnsely-
knit, compact project ra-
pidly to maximise produc-
tion in selected districts
by oombii.ing all the fart
tor* that contribute to
increased output. But
that ia uot all. In the
worda of the Union Food
and Agriculture Minister,
Shri. S. K. Patil, this
"apparently fractional ef'
fort in IrV dia^riota out
of more than 300 ia a
great demonstration enter-
prise to convince our far-
mers that the Programme
points a way which leads
them surely and steadily
to the goal of food Self,
sufficiency. Under a demo-
cratic aet-up, this ia the
uuly type of programme
that can achieve that
goal and from that point
of view, the whole Pro-

gramme constitutes a great
democratic effort to bring
about rapid progress in
the f eld of agriculture."

Under the Programme,
evolved on the basis of
a report prepared by a
Ford Foundation Team,
a "favourable district" ia
selected in eaoh State,
having maximum poten-
tialities for increasing ag-
ricultural production with-
in a comparatively short
time. There are three
principal criteria for selec-
tion First, the district
should have maximum irri-
gation facilities. Secondly,
it should have the mini-
mum ot&natura) hazards,
that ia, there should not
be any problems requir
ing long term attention
such as susceptibility to
floods or acute drainage
or soil conservation prob-
lems Thirdly, it should
have well-developed village
institutions like coopera-
tives and panohayats

The districts are selec-
ted by the tstate Govern-
ments themselves keeping
in view these criteria. The
responsibility for imple-
mentation of the-Prograra-
m« also rests with thim.
They draw up the pro-
gramme of work with re
ferenoe to the selected

distriot keeping in view
the looal conditions.

Being a People's Pro-
gramme, the farmers them-
selves play a vital - part
in it. The farmers are
reaohed through coopera-
tives and panohayats and
step by step, all agricul-
tural families in the dis-
trict are enabled by trai-
ned staff to prepare their
individual production
plans. The total el fort
of the community ia thus
organised and developed
as fully as possible and
greater output is ensured
with greater concentration
of resouroes and simul-
taneous provision of all
the elements required for
increased production The
entire cultivated area in
the district is saturated
with improved varieties
of seeds; full supplies of
organic manures and fer-
tilisers are arranged; atten-
tion is paid to efficient
utilisation of. irrigation
facilities; adequate plant
protection measures are
undertaken with the use
of pesticides etc; impro-
ved farm implements are
put to use. And. there
are regular scientific de-
monstrations to popularise
improved agricultural prao
tioea. Agricultural oiedit
required by farmera it
provided through etrerig-
thened cooperative socie-
ties. Marketing arrange-
ments and other services
are also guaranteed to
emble the cultivator to