Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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February 18, 1962 Himalayan Times


foodgrains. In the Rabi
•eaaon of 1960, marketing
societies in this State
handled over 13 per cent
of the total arrivals of
foodgrains in the man dies
where these societies were
looated. The performance
of some individual mar-
keting societies was muoh
higher. Biz of the sooie.
ties bandied over 60 per
nent of the total arrivals,
while 40 aooieties handled
between 30 to 40 per cent
of the total foodgrains
sold in the looal market.

In regard to market-
ing and processing of
cotton, Gujtraj occupies
the moat prominent posi-
tion. Over 60 per oent
of the ootton handled by
the cooperatives through-
out the country, in raw
or processed form, was
accounted, for by the co-
operatives i n Gujerat

While - cooperative
marketing has obtained
a foot-hold in regard to
marketing of oertain cash
orops, suoh as sugarcane
and cotton, considerable
further development has
to take plaoe before mar.
keting societies through-
out the country are able
to make an impact on
the agricultural marketing
struoture. This requires
that, besides carrying out
supply and distribution
functions in regard to
production requisites—a
task which is being in-

creasingly taken over by
marketing societies throu-
ghout the country—the
cooperatives must pay
greater attention to the
sale of agricultural pro-
duce. This is not easy,
because marketing coope-
ratives have to work
against a strong vested
inttrest—"cultivators pit-
ted against traders, trying
to pit them at their own
gain and oust them from
the market which the
traders already hold."

It is in this context-
that the Third Five Year
Plan, while envisaging the
establishment of 600 new
marketing societies, pri
marily aims at strengthen-
, ing the existing marketing
societies, linking them effec-
tively with village societies,
and enlarging their mar-
keting i operations. In
regard to oash orops also,
marketing cooperatives
will be increasingly en-
couraged to undertake
processing activities as an
adjunct to their marketing


Sealed tenders in B.F.
No. 2911 (ii) from enlisted
Class II contractors of the
Public Works Directorate
will be reoeived by the
Superintendentiog Engi-
neer, P. W. D. Northern
Circle, Jalpaiguri, West
Bengal at his office until
3 p. m on March 7, 1962

and then publicly opened
for the work of Proteotive
Works and Training Works
of Jorepal at 29th mile,
1st qr. of National High-
way No. 31A in the dis-
trict of Darjeeling. Esti-
mated oost Rs 65,545/-
Earnest money Rs. 1,389/-
Detailed tender notice and
alt pertinent oontract docu-
ments may be seen by
personal coll only at the
above mentioned office or
in the office of the Execu-
tive Engineer, P. W. D.
North Bengal Constn.
Division during. office


Wanted a young Bhu-
tia riding pony for Plan-
tation use. Must be cer-
tified as being, sound by
a Government Veterinary

Apply to i
, Manager,
Govt. Cinchona Plantation,

Kaiimpong P. O.


It has been decided
to start the Sutherland
Memorial Pre-Primary
Kindergarten for boys and
girls in the age group 3-6
on Monday, 6th Maroh
1962. Applications for
admission, in writing or
in person, should be made
at the School Office before
the opening date.