Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

March 4, -1963

large orowd which was
I.. waiting there to r»oeir»
ra^JSTttttOlZ them, Even at thii into
llyj^U!**1 hour* Sri Jossee & Sri
_ Hai thanked the orowd

AWeW 4~1%2 from th# "m'U P,at,form

The procession started

THIRD GENERAL. ELECTION again and went round

the town and concluded
The Third General a great loss in ' the hill at 2 A.M. in the morning.
Election is practically over region of this district and gr. jygQ praijaih Raj
and also with this the w.hope the West Bengal (Qorku L„ague) Wa. dec-
Do,™ and bustle and in Congress will give a senous j d« fr'om Dftr.
some instance, verbal consideration to this aspect A..„mbly Con.ti-
mud-slinging by the dif and take positive aoticn ' « grj R^ ,,ed
ferent parties contesting to reorganise the party 9139 votes
the eleotion has also throughout the district.

oome to an end. Most __- Sri T. Wangdi, Deputy

people will now miss ■ ^ Ttibal Minister, won the
the blare ofloud speakers L- R- JOSSEE WINS Phansidewa seat He de-
and will now gratefully KALIMPONG SEAT feated Sri Jangal Santhal
enjoy a sleep without (Continued from page 3) and Sri lshwardas Thirkey.
oooaphonio disturbance, by the League supporters. Sri B.B. Hamal (CPI)
but while the exoitement grj Josee's lead gradually polled the highest num
lasted it certainly brouaht inoreased and after the ber of votes in the Jore-
life to this quiet border counting of votes for bungalow Constituency,
town. The eleotion here polling stations in muni- , . T . „. .
passed smoothly without oipa| 6ftr.a8 hig viot0ry was DL f" .J"?d,,.b„.
incident and the district mo„ or i„, confirmed. P»U»ch"Jee ™ def"ted
officers, different political , When the final result Sr> S N. Mazumdar sitting
parties, police and other was announced at 1130 CPI member from Siliguri
departments are to be . p. M. the entirB . orowd -Kurseong Constituency
heartily congratulated on ru8Bed towards the front bJ neirly 2000 vote"-.
the efficient running of ?Rte and us Sri Jossae Sri T. Manaen, Con-
the poll. The entire ar- aooompanied by sri D.P. . gresa candidate from Dar-
rangements for the elec- p,ftj> M.L.A. and others ieeling Parliamentry Cona-
tion required outstanding appear*d at ■ the gate, titu enoy was declared elec-
• organisation and hard shouts of joy and congra- ted to Lok cjabha defeat-
work on the part of all tulatious broke out. Sri ing Sri Ratanlal Brahmin
oonoerned. Jossee and Sri Rai was (Communist) by nearly
The result throughout profusely garlanded and 8400 votes

the diatriot was full of they were taken in a ——--—-

interest and it is for the procession accompanied by Just Unpacked

respective parties to see band parties and a fleet iivi\jl"»T Ttr"ii~i¥£«
their giins and loses. of cars. When the proces- IIIIVJJ1 liCJl JlVW
but it has been ravealed sion reached Caowkbazar, HIMALAYAN STORES,
that CougreBS has suffered it was greeted by another KALIMPONG.