Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Quotation! in sealed
covers superBoribed "Quo-
tation! for Hardware
Stores eto." are invited by
the undersigned for supply
of the following hardware
stores for the use of the
Directorate of Medioinal
Plants and the Govern-
ment Ipeoao Plantations,
Rongo. West Bengal P.O.
Matelli, Dist. Jalpaiguri'

NaiU-Tata 4* per Cwt-
or per innund

Nailt-Tata 3" per Cwt.
or per maund-

Naile-'ata 2J" per Cwt-
or pt-r maund.

Nails-Tata 2" per Cwt.
or per mnund

Nails-Tata H* per Cwt,
or p<>r maund

11" Wood Screws Mo. 7
per gross.

Coal ar per tin.

Lime unslaoked (Rajas-
than) per tin.'

5" Tower bolts per do/...
6" Tower bolts per doz.
3* 6.1, hinges per doz.
4" Q.I hinges per doz.

Glass panes Belgium per
Square feet.

Jute string per maund.

Binding Wire per maund.

Coir rope per maund.

Red roofing paint Sha-
limar per litre.

Green paint wood-works
'(Shalimar) per litre.

Himalayan Times

Chocolate paint wood-
works (Shalimar) per It.

White paint wood works
(Shalimar) per litre.

Dry distemper 3ilb. paok-
ingi Jeniolin & Murascas.
Oil Bound distemper all
colours per lb.

Phenyle per gallon.

Jute Canvas fine per yd.

G.I. Tank 4'x8'x4' and
8'x8'x4'-12G and 14G

Plain shret 26G-6'x3',
28G-6'x3\ 24G-6'x3' and
30G-6x3' per pieoe.

Ridging 18"x28G eaoh

Iron rods J" J<i J" and 1*
diameter per maund.

Solder genine 50% per
lb. or per Kem.

Soldering Acid per bottle.

Hand Riw 24 Eogli .i
eanh 22" per pieoe.

Pit Saw IS' Bnglish each.

Carpenter's hammer eaoh.

Masons' hammer eaob.

Sledge hammer 101b. eaoh

Sledge hammer 71b each.

t" G.I PipeS.L. Hx4"
per Rft.

1* Q.I. Pipe 8 L. Ii"x4"
per Rft.

12' Bastard file Niobol
sons per dozen.

8'' T. file Nicholsons per

6" T. file Nicholsons per

4" T. file Niobolsons per


41" Pit Saw files Nichol-
son1 per dozen.

March 11, 1962

Crow Bar 6 xlj"xl j eaoh

Alkathene films all sizes
per Rft. all Gauges.

Alkathene pipes all sizes
per Rft.
4" G I. Elbow per Doz.
2" G.I. Elbow per Doz.
li G.I. Elbow per Doz.
1" G.I. Elbow per Doz.
4 1 G.I. Bend per Doz.
2" G.I. Bend per Doz.
11" G.I. Bend per Doz.
1" G I Bend per Doz.
I" G.I. Bend per Doz
4" G-I. Sooket per Doz.
2" G.I Socket per Doz.
li" G.l Sooket per Doz.
KG I Socket per Doz.
J" G I Sooket per Doz.
4" G.I Tee per Dozen.
2" G.l. lee per Dozeu.
11 G I i'ee per Dozen.
I'1 G.I lee per Dozen.
1" G.I Tee per Dozen.
4 G I. I'lug per Dozen.
2" G I. Hlng per Dozen.
If G.l. Plug per Dizen.
1" G.I. Plug per Dt /.en.
1" G I. Plug per Dozen.
4" G I Jnmout per Dcz.
2* G I. J am nut per Doz.
H" G.I. Jamnut per Doz.
1" G I. Jamnut per Doz.
I'1 G.l. Jamnut per Doz.
J Brass Bib cook eaoh.
l'i Brass Bib rook eaoh.
Rates thus quoted
( Continued en page 9 )