Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Maroh 18, 1962

Himalayan Times

I hree


Use of Aksai Chin Road by China

New Delhi Maroh, 13.

Mr. Nehru told the
Lok Sobha today that he
had never made a proposal
to tease the Aksai Chin
road to the Chinese as a
preliminary to opening
negotiations with them.
This had bsen reported
by a oorrespondent of the
Washington Post after an
interview with him.

He had, however, sug-
gested that China should
withdraw from the ludian
territory occupied by it
and India would withdraw
from the areas olaimed by
that country. The Chinese
might theu be allowed use
of the ''auofeut route" for
eivilian purposes, pending

Replying to supple-
mentaries during qiuslion
hour Mr. Nehru said the
Chinese had rejected the
proposal hern was no
proposal from the Indian
side now. He could not
say in what form the
matter might come up
now. It would be easier
to open talks if the Chinese
vaoated their aggression.

He said the eastern
sector was quiet now. The
Chinese had 'not occupied
all the laud they claimed
is their maps. In the
western sector there were
patrols on both sides and

also protest.

Mr. Nehiu told Mr.
Agadi that the Chinese
Government bad still not
removed the hurdles it
had put in the way of
construction of the Indian
Trade Ayenoy building at
Gyantse in Tibet. No pro-
gress bad been mads in
constructing the building.

Altogether 8,900Tibetan
refugees have been settled
or are in the process of
being settled on land.
The Deputy Minister fur
External Affirs, M r s.
Lakshmt Menon told Mr.
C. Booroosh. In addition
about 9,000 refugies weie
employed, on road works
and about 800 had reoeived
or were receiving training
in various crafts and.


■ ■ Calcutta, March 16
The Governor admi-
nistered in Calcutta on
Tuesday evening the caths
of office and secrecy to
11 Ministers of State and
10 Deputy Mini.-tera at a
Raj Bhavan function. Dr.
Roy, as Chief Minister
introduced mrmbers of his
council of Ministers to
Miss Naidu in the presence
of his Cabinet colleagues.

A Press oommunique
issued by the Government
lists the names of the
new junior Ministers as


Minister of Statei
Sri Sourendra Mohan
Misra, Sri Tenzing Wangdi,
Sri Smarajit Bandhopa-
dhayay, Sri CbaruChandra
Mahant'y, Sri Chittaranjan
Roy.Sri Ardhendu Sekhar
Nasker, Sri Ashutosh Ghose
Sri Bijesh Chandra Sen,

Sri Tenzing Wangdi.
Minister of State for Animil Hus-
bandry and Veterinary Service-
Dr. Probodh Kumar Guha,
Dr. Su'shil Renjan Chatto-
padhyay, and Ciri Promatha
Kaojan Thak'iir.

Deputy Ministers
Sri Syed Kazim AH
Meerza, Sri Zia-UI.Haque,
Miss Maya Banerjee, Sri
Mukti Pada Chatterji, f ri
Tara Pada Roy,Sm.Radha-
rani Mahtab. Mr. Kanai
Lai Das, Sri Zainal Abedin
Km. Shakila Khatoon and
Sri Mahendra Nath Dakua.