Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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"Himalayan Times

April 8, 1962


s. c. jain j ftj^j^pmn|Stnug


It is gratifying to
learn that Paiyung Village
under Kalimpong Deve-
lopment Block II has
been adjudged the beat
village in the State of
West Bengal Last year
Pubung. of our District
got this unique position.
This shows that the Deve-
lopment Department hat
been able to enthuse
people for the implemen-
tation of diffennt scheme!
of the Government whioh
are essential for all round
development of any vil-
lage. This is a healthy
sign, yet. then- are lot
to be done. There are
some acute problems for
our agriculturists in the hill
areas, who had to suffer
a great deal • n account
of various plant diseases.
There are researob centres
in Kalimpong to guide
the people in order to
oheok these diseases but
these centres have not
been able to do somthing
effective and the pro-
blem* are atill there.

The people of Paiyung
and Pubung have set up
good example for other
Tillages and we hope this

will be followed by other
villages of our district.

flower show AT
graham's homes
The following events,
for amatures only have
been declared open to all
comers and this appeal
goes out to lovers of
flowers to help make the
show a complete success,
by sending iu as many
exhibits as possible. Thank

hi st Six Blooms
(Cut Flowers.)

(a) Carnations, Pansies,
Antirrinbame, Sweet
Peas, Stocks, Gerberas.

Pot Peants
(One pot eaoh)

(b) Geraneums, Gerberas.
Exhibits should be at

the Jarvie Hall, Homes,
by II a.m. on Saturday
Mih April I9u2. A oharge
of 60 nP. will be made
for each entry. Judging
will start at 1pm. and
prizes distributed at 2-30
p.m. Tea will be served
at the Club at Re. 1 26
per head,

Mrs. Pulleyn,
Chairman, Homes Flow
Show- Committee.

paiyung adjudged
best Village

Kalimpong, April 7
Paiyung Village in
Kalimpong Development
Block II has been adjud-
ged the best village in
the whole of West Bengal
on the Tillage level com-
petition held this year.
This is the second oonae-
quitive year that a village
in Darjeeliog has been
adjudged tbe best village.
Last year it was Pubung
of Takdah.


Wanted for a tem-
porary post a fully qua-
lified and licensed I6mm
pr. jeclor operator in the
scale of Kb. 150 10-260-
EB-10-190 15-320 plus suoh
allowances aa may be
admissible. Applications
stating qualifications, past
experience and ability to
operate a portable gene-
rater along with copiea
of certificates and testi-
monials should reach the
Public Relations Officer,
Information Service of
India, Ministry of Exter-
nal Affairs, Hill Top,
Kalimpong, before 25th
April, 1962.

Wanted immediately
one storekeeper cum Typist
on the soal of Ra. 110-3-
131 4 155-KB 4-175 5 180.
Apply with particular &
past experience to Secre-
tary, Tibetan Refugee
School,Tbe Mall Darjeeling.