Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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April 8, 1962

Himalayan Times



Tenders in sealed co-
vers superscribed TEN-
are invited by the under,
signed on behalf of the
Governor of West Bengal
for supply of 3000 (Three
thousand) pos. full length
Mala Bun boos to be de-
livered at IS line, Ipeoao
Nurseries, Mungpoo Divi
gion,Government Cinchona
Plantation, Mungpoo.

Iho rate should be
quoted per 100 running

The bamboos should
be supplied from private
sources other than the
Govt. Bamboo-baries
" The' bamboos should
be in full lengths each
measuring 30' und above
in length, 8" and above
at the base and 4" at
the top in girth. Defor
med and immature bam-
boos will not be accepted

Tender together with
the earnest money of Rs.
SO/- should reach the un-
dersigned on or before
12th April, 1962 within
office hours.

Successful tenderer
will have to sign a final
agreement of oontraot and
to deposit 10% of the
total value of work as
Security Deposit whioh
will be forfeited inoase
the tenderer fails to fulfil
the terms and conditions
of the contraot.

The right is reserved

by the undersigned to
reject one or all tenders
received without assigning
any reason.

Govt. Cinohona Plantation,



Wanted an experienced
M.A. or B.A ,B.T. or 15.A.
Hons Headmaster for the
Mirik High School on
monthly salary of Rs. 160
plus usual allowance.

A B.A.B.T. or B.A.
lady teacher tor Mirik
High Sohool on monthly
salary of Rs. 90.00 plus
usual allowances.

Willing candidates
should apply to the See
retary Mink High Sohuol(
P. O. Mirik. Darjeeliog.
The application should be
submitted along with the
certificates either in origi-
nal or attested by some
respectable person. The
application should reach
the Secretary on or belore
the 31st April 1962.

R. B. RAI,
Mirik High School,
P.O. Mirik,

(Continued from page 6)
Europe. I am also in-
clined to think that he
owes some of his libera-
lity to his gentle wife.
Among the revolutionsry
reforms he has abolished
slavery, emancipated wo-
men and democratised the

( Continued from page 2 )

Preference will be
given to those tenderers
who have previous expe-
rience of oonatruoting

Eaoh tender should be"
aooompanied with Earnest
money of Rs. 100.00 (one
hundred) only in cash.
The approved tenderer
will have to exeoute a
contract in proper form
and' - deposit Seourity
money of Rs. 20".00 (two
hundred) only in the
Treasury ' Cballan within
fifteen, days- after' accep-
tance. of the tender. If .
the tenderer, whose tender
has been accepted, fails
to comply with the above
condition, Earnest money
is liable to be forfeited
to Government. The secu-
rity money deposited by
a . contractor is liable to
be forfeited, wholly or
partially, if Government
suffers any loss due to
negligence or act of omis-
sion or commission on the
psrt of the contractor,
his employees in connec-
tion with the work.

Tenders may be sent
wholly or partially for
eaoh division. The tender
should reach the under-
signed on or before the
12th April, 1962 (during
office hours.)

The undersigned is
not bound to acoept the
lowest or any tender.

Govt. Cinohona Plantation,