Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times April 15, 1962



Editor: \ ** ^V-V ASSOCIATION

S. C. JAIN «tmaIfltfPft#ttttej5 Kalimpong, April 14

\ s^m"*^ >S. The following persons

~_ were elected aB the mem-

Vol. IS jNo. t\aliirvpong, Ap/il IS, 176/ ber8 0f the Mauaging

Committee of Kalimpong
Sports Association at the
general meeting held on

Tourists from foreign 0pHTHUMIC OPT UAN 8th *pr" "„ "ZlfjL

oountries and ohangers rT Sn D. C. Mookerjee,

from the plains have start- *Ir Henshaw f.s.a.o. preBjdent.

ed coming to Hills. The (01" ) will be siting „ . ViM

State Government has Kalimpong on 2nd May presideIlt>
done a lot for impro- f»d "™7 ,be consulted at

ving the tourist traffic the Himalayan Hotel till Sr. T. R. Sharma, Vice
yet there are still lot to °lh, May- Mr. Henshaw Present,
be done for providing wl" be »* the Planters Sri A. R. Fonning.
better facilities. The State Club, Dsrj^ling from 14th General Secretary.
Government will soon May to 14th June. Sri B- M> Mintri,
start Tourist lodges for WANTED Treasurer,
foreign tourists at Dar- Applications are invi- Members: Sri T. Pempa
jeeling and Kalimpong. ted from lndjan Citjzen Hishey, Sri A. R. Rose,
While the Bite for the for a Xemporar p08t of Father Gussot, Sri M. K.
proposed tourist lodge t'ompounder-cum-1 rtsfer Pradhan, Sri O. M. Mintri,
has been selected at par- in the Revised Sca|„ of Sri M p Gupta, Sri D.
jeeling no definite deci- Pay of Rs. 125 3 140-4 2( 0 Dhandup, Sri M. K. Cohe-
sion has been tak-n re- (Eg &Hfr mh . w Sri R B Agarwala,
garding the loceuon of for the Diepp in fhe Sri A. K. Pradhan, Sri
the lodge at Kalimpong. Sang8Per Division oi the R, Dewan and Janab

The looal authorities Govt. Cinchi na Plantation Faizullah Chisti.__j

as well as Municipalities at Munsong in the Piairict XOTIC^K

should give more atten 0f Darjeeling. The can- -j

tion towards the impro- aldate%should be a passed Entries are invited

vement of tourist traffic. Compounder Age should from local Senior Division

The authorities should see be 18 and 25 years (re- teams for - the Kahiram

that the tourist offices laxable in special cases). Mintii Memorial League

funotion efficiently. In Applications stating name, Football. Entry closes on

Kalimpong the Municipal address, age, qualifications 2tith April 1962 at 5 P.M.

authorities should pay and experience etc.. with Entrv Fee "

more attention towards attested oopies of Certi- ,„:.. ftnd

cleanliness and sanitation ficate8 ftn(f testimonials T Affiliated Clubs ana

of th. town. should reach the Director, Inatitutiont-K.. 5/-

- Cinchona, West Bengal Non affiliated—Ks.


_ P. O. Aiungpoo, District Seoretary,

rHAMnDAS Darjeeling, by April 30, Kalimpong Sports

UnAN UKAJ 1962. Association.