Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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April 15, 1962

Himalayan Times


The first oil refinery
in the Public Seotor at
Noonmati was commis-
sioned on January I, 1962.
by the Prime Minister.
Just when the blueprint
for this Refinery was
being drawn, this Railway
had to gear up arrange-
ments to move the mate-
rials for its construction
and, later, the traffic for
the distribution of its
products. There is the
other Oil Refinery at
Digboi with a capacity
of 0 43 million tens and
for the movement of its
products, we maintain a
fleet a about 720 tank-
wagons. The Oil Refinery
at Gauhati will have a ca-
pacity of .75 million tons.
For movement of the oil
from this Refinery to
the storage depot at Sili-
guri for onward distribu-
tion, orders have been
placed for tankwagoiiB
with a higher carrying
capacity of 28 5 tons and
these have started arriving.

Tho total traffic lifted
on this Railway at the
end of the Seoond Five
Year Plan was 40,68,230
tons. Against this, the
traffio anticipated at the
end of the Third Five
Year Plan period is
52,88,699 tons, represent,
ing a 30 per cent increase.
Of this, 11,96,150 tons
aocount for new indus-
tries that are developing
and 1,50,000 tons for
the oil traffio. The
total allocation to this

Railway durii g the Third
Plan will ba about Rs.
110 crores.

Apart from its grow-
ing strategic importance,
the Northeast Frontier
Railway is the life line
of the north eastern
parts of the oountry and
forms its principal mode
of transport. The area
served by this Railway
accounts for about 54 per
cent of the jute produc-
tion of the country. It
serves 780 tea gardens in
Assam and 240 in North
Bengal and is the only
outlet for petroleum and
its products.

Kalimpong, April 11
The West Bengal Go
vernment has decided to
convert th» Buxa Camp,
at present accommodating
Lama boys, into a monas-
tic college. The proposal
has been sent for appro-
val to the Union Govern-
ment, which bears all
expenses for the mainte-
nance of the camp.

Tibetan refugees other
than Lama boys have
been dispersed to other
parts of the country. New
arrivals, if any, are not
allowed to be mixed with
the camp inmates. They
are sent elsewhere after
being given temporary
accommodation in impro-
vized shelters out side the
periphery of the oamp.


The Regional Trans-
port Authority, Darjeeling,
invites applications from
the publio in connection
with the issue of a Pub-
lio Carrier Permit against
a Land Rover or Jeep
to ply between Siliguri—
Latpanchor via Kalijhora.

Applications should be
filed in prescribed form
P.Pu.C.A. or manuioript
form or in typed form.
The applicant may furnish
other particulars in sepa-
rate sheets of papers
along with the prescribed
from, if necessary. Applica-
tions will be received by the
undersigned upto 31-5-62.

Permit will be granted
to the applicant who can
place a brand new vehicle
having permanent garage
facilities of their own at

It is also notified that
all previous applications
in this regard will be
disregarded and such ap-
plicants that had previous-
ly applied should make
fresh applications point-
ing out at same time
when they had previously
applied. The issue of
permit is subjeot to con-
ditions as laid down in
Sec. 55, 56 and 57 of the
M. V. Act, other Govt,
orders enforce fromjtime to
time and other conditions
as may be imposed by
the R. T. A. Darjeeling.
R. T. A. Darjeeling.