Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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April 22, 1962

Himalayan Times



Flagrant Breach of Assurances

New Delhi. April 19

During question hour
in the Lok Sabha this
morning the Minister
of State for External
Affaire, Mrs. Lakshmi
Menon. disclosed "a fresh
instance of Chinais in.
cnriion into Indian terri-
tory" at a point six miles
west of Sumdo in the
Ladakh area.

She said the Govern-
ment of India had pro-
tested to China in a Mote
dated April 15 and had
pointed out that "this
Chinese post has obviously
been aet up recently and
oonatitutaa, need lens to
aay, a flagrant breach of
the repeated assurances
extended by the Chinese Go
vernment regarding main-
tenance of the atatus
quo in this area".

The Indian Not* ac-
cuses the Chineae Govern,
ment of "systematic and
deliberat* encroachments
nn Indian territory with-
out proper regard to the
grave consequence that
these may entail".

Mrs Menon, pressed
to say what the Govern-
mant was doing to se-
cure the withdrawal of
the Chinese said "the
Government is taking the
necessary measures for

the defence of our terri-
tory ss well as vacation
by China of the area
presently under unlawful
occupation. It is not in
the national interest to
make any premature dis-
closure of these measures''.

She also added: "The
Government of India is
also exploring, in conso-
nance with its declared
polioy, all peaceful ave-
nues for aohieving its

Mrs. L. Menon aaid
the Government of India
white lodging "a strong
protest " against the es-
tablishment of the new
Chinese post expressed
the hope that the Chinese
Government would take
immediate uction to with-
draw from thia new posi-

She told Mr. H. V.
Kamath (PSP) that the
nature of the terrain and
other factors in that part
of Ladakh which was now
under the unlawful occu-
pation of China made
it almost impossible to
give a preoise estimate
of the area seized by the
Chinese. However, thia
figure might approxima-
tely be placed at over
12,000 square miles.

In answer to Mr U.
M Trivedi, Mr. Nehru
said that during the last
three years there had been
some incursions which had
often resulted in firing
and casualties on both

Mr. Nehru told Mr.
Prakash Vir Shastri that
the Government of India
had made it clear to the
Chinese Government that
there could be no talks
on the border issue so
long as Chinese occupa-
tion of Indian territory

Mr. V. C. 8hukla as.
ked why tbe Chinese were
allowed to advance into
Indian territory and not
prevented by Indian bor.
der patrols.

Mr. Nehru said. tbe
patrols did not ooma into
contact with each other.
It was a vast area and
it waa Tory difficult for
the two patrols to meet
unless they advanced de-
liberately and aimed at
eaoh other. "They do not
send notioe to us and we
do not send notice that
our patrols srs going.



By David Macdonald
Retired British Trade Agent
in Tibet
Himalayan Stores,
