Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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April 22, 1962 • Himalayan Times


facilities for post-graduate
studies and research will
be increased in tbe course
of next five yaars in order
to provide for over 2,000

As a first step to-
wards 'the development of
advanced technical educa-
tion in. the country, the
Central Government deci-
ded to establish a chain
of four Higher Techno*
logical Institutes. The
first Institute was started
in 1951 at Kharagpur
and has been fully estab-
lished and developed.
Bquipped with all faei-
lies, viz., Liberal Arts,
Fundamental Scisnoee and
the various Technologies
that are neoessary for
tbe realisation of the
highest ideals of leohnioal
eduoation, the Institute
provides faoilies for edu-
cation and training of
well over 1,600 students
in the undergraduate oour-
sei and 300 students of-
fered inolude naval archi-
tecture 'and marine engi-
neering, fuel and combus-
tion engineering, produc-
tion technology, geo-phy-
sics, foundry engineering
etc, and are designed to
meet the special require-
ments of industrial and
other developmental pro-
jects for high grade Tech-
nologists. The other three
Higher Technological Ins-
titutes are in process of
development in Bombay,
Madras and Kanpur. The
Bombay Institute started
functioning in 1958 and

the Madras and Kanpur
Institutes in 1959 and
1»00 respectively. A 1 1
these Institutes are
being planned on the
same comprehensive soale
as the Kharagpur Insti-
tute and when oompleted
will take the teohnical
eduoation in the oountry
several steps further. Bauh
will be a fully residential
institution designed to
promote oorporate life
among students teaohers
and will provide facilities
for 500 students in the
undergraduate courses and
about 500 students for
post graduate courses and
research. In the establish-
ment and development of
these institutions, techni-
cal assistance from foreign
countries has been seoured.
The Bombay Institute is
being assisted by the
Soviet Union the. Madras
Institute by West Ger-
many and the Kanpur
Institute by tbe U.S.A.
A new College of Engi-
neering and Technology
is being established at
Delhi with assistance pro-
vided by the.' United
Kingdom. .

( To be Continued )


Mr. D. Henshaw f.s.a.o.
(Glas.) will be visiting
Kalimpong on 2nd May
and may. be consulted at
the Himalayan Hotel till
6th May. Mr. Henshaw
will be at the Planters
Club, Darjeeling from 14th
May to 14th June.

Lettert te the Editor

Tht Editor la not rtaponalbia for vie wa * xprei-
aed In Lhli column Sd. H. Tunes


Sir, May I draw the
attention of the Kalim-
pong Municipality, the
Publio Health Department
and the proprietor of Bag-
dhara Water Spring
through your publication
for taking immediate aotion
to keep this spring in
hygienic condition and to
maintain it properly. This
natural spring is the only
source of water supply
to the, publio of .Kalim-
pong town during the
summer when the water
is scaroe. It has been
noticed that this spring is
being negleoted and is not
maintained & cleaned pro.
perly. At present, with the
help of Bagdhara Seva
Sangh the Tank of this
spring is being cleaned from
time to time but still the
Water is unhygienic and
if proper analysis is done,
I am sure the water, will
be unfit for human con-
sumption. There is every
chance of epidemic if no
proper care is taken to
clean & properly main-
tain tbe water spring.
Yours etp. P. N. Tendup,
Bagdhara Road, Kalim-
pong- ,



The most centrally sitastsa
Hotel in Kalimponf.