Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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May 6, 1963

Himalayan Times


of teohnioal institutions
has been sanctioned in
order to attract well qua-
lified and experienced
persons to the teaohing
positions. The revised
■alary scales compare fa-
vourably with those offfrtrl
by industry. Government
departments and other
organisations to technical

In order to assist
poor but meritorious stu-
dents in their technical
studies, a scheme of Merit-
oum-Means Scholarships
has been sanotiuned and
is in operatic n. Under
the scheme, over 2,000
scholarships have been
uwardtd to degree and
diploma students in all
our teobnical tnstitutirns.
800 research scholarships
have also been instituted
to assist research scbolars
in their work in Univer-
sities-and other research
centres. In order to en-
oouragM research of the
highest standard possible,
80 National Research Fel-
lowships have been insti-

All this expansion has
been possible due to tbe
energetic and farsighled
approach to the problem
by the Central Govern-
ment on the advice of
the All India Council
for Technical Education.
The Counoil represents all
the interests which are
concerned with technical
eduoation. It consists nf

representatives of all State
Governments, Ministries of
the Central Government,
Parliament, industry, com-
merce, labour, professional
and learned societies, Uni-
versities, Technical Insti-
tutions and various other
ooncerned interests. Its
functioning inter alia in-
clude the preparation of
plane for the development
of techuioai education on
an all India basis, assess,
ment of tbe requirements
for technical manpower
of different types and
suggesting measures to
meet them, . suggesting
improvement in the pat-
tern of technical education
from time to time to suit
changing conditions estab-
lishing liaison between
industry, Government de-
partment and other or-*
ganieations on one hand
and teohniusl institutions
on the other, ouord nating
the activities of States,
recommending grants and
other forms of assistance
that might be given by
the centre to the State
Government Institutions,
Universities, Institutions
and other organ:sationB for
development of technioal
eduoation. Pr sided over
bv the Minister of Scienti-
fic Research snd Cultural
Affairs as its Secretariat,
the Council functions with
fewer handicaps than most
other advisory bodies. As
a matter of convention,
the recommendations of
tbe Council are generally

acoepted by the oentre
aud State Governments.
For the proper discbarge
of its functions ths Coun-
cil has set up up a co-
ordinating committee, four
Regional Committees and
seven Boards of Teobnical
Studies. The Hoards of
Studies advice the Council
on all academic aspects,
viz., the pattern of teob-
nical education, duration
standard and contents of
the courses, etc. The
Boards also lay down the
minimum standards - of
instructional facilities re-
quired to- the conduct of
various courses by tech-
nical institutions. The
Regional Committees assist
the Council in .promoting
a coordinated development
of technical education in
the regions' Sohemes for
the establishment of new
institutions are formulated
by the Regional Commit-
tees. The Regional Com-
mittees also keep a cons-
tant watch over the pro-
gress of institutions in
their respective regions
and render expert advice
and assistance to the
institutioi.'S concerned. The
Coordinating Committee
is the Executive of the
Council and coordinates
the work of the Regional
Committees and the Boards
of Studies, ■

The problem now fa-
cing the country is im-
provement of the quality
of technical education and
a proper allocation of