Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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June 24, 1962

Himalayan Times



( From Our Correspondent )
Darjeeling, June 21.

The advent of a re-
nowed yog' — Maharsbi
Mahesh \ogi of the Dhyan
Vidya Peeth, Rishikech,
has aroused mnoh interest
in Darjeeling end the
elites of the town are
an imp those who are
paying visit* to hun.

A booklet entitled
" Disoovi ry of Nuclear Life
Energy" describes (he
Maharshi's approach to the
multifarious problems
which beset our physical,
spiritual and religious life.

Maharshi is a science
graduate of the Allahabad
University who came out
of the Himalayas in 1965
to preach and spread the
efficacy of the applied
aspeota of bis Theory of
the absolute He has
visited many parts of the
world including U S.A.,
U.K. and West Gem any.
Maharshi offers k pro-
gramme to train teachers
to disseminate the wisdom
of the Absolute and to
make available the bene-
fits of "Nuolear Life
linergy' to all peoples of
the world. Already a iew
groups have been trained
in different parta of the
wrrld and they are suc-
cessfully spreading the
teaching in England,

France, Germany, Morway,
Sweden. Denmark. Ireland
Scotland, Italy Qreect,
East \ frica. India, Burma,
Malaya, Singapore, Hon
Kong. Hawaii Mexico,
West Indies, Now Zealand,
Australia, U.S A. and

In Darjeeling the Ma-
harshi is holding a series
of meetings and impart-
ing special training in the
simple 9ystem of drep
meditation, which relieves
tentions and fatigue,
among other things.

Maharshi's Theory oi
the Absolute states that
Life is Absolute. Even
that which appears as
relative has absolute exis-
taiice beneath its pheno-
m-nal relative existence
ai d behaviour The'lbeory
of Absolute detetmines
the waves of relativity
in relation to the ocean
of absolute life itself It
establishes 'that the Ab-
solule expresses itself as
the multiple phenomenal
wcrld or relative existanoe.
just as the ocean ex-,
presses itself as different
waves. He has . proved
that the Absolute which
is the basil of all relative
exiatanoe, is infinite energy.
Energy is the innermost

oore for every individual.
Due to the infinite life
energy present there, Ma-
harshi oalls it the nucleus
of the life energy of the
individual, and the energy
present there, he oalla
•Nuolear Life Energy",
which could be harnessed
by everyone for greater
intelligence and creative

Wanted immediately
one I. A. or I So. teacher
preferably a lady, trained
or experienced for the
attached school section of
Teachers' Training Insti-
tute, TVmi. The candidate
should be strong in core
aubjects. Accomodation
available within the Ins-
titute 1 ay according to
qualifications Place heal
thy but lonely. Applv or
See— 1 he Prjucipal, T.T I.,
W'estern Sikkim. None
need apply who does
not want to stay at least
for one year. s r * *,,


The Badminton tourna-
ment at Kalitnpong Club
■tarts from 1st July '62.
Entries close on 30-6-62.

Entry Fees: Singles
Rs 2.00, Doubles Re. 3.60,
which tan be paid to—
M. P. Gupta, N. B. Rai,
p.C. Periwal, 8.S. Ahmed.

General Secretary
Kalimpong Club