Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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June 24, 1963

Himalayan Times



The Editor is not responsible fur views expressod in thin column.

Sir, 1 request the hospitality
of your esteemed columns to
place before your readers the
following ease that would apper
to be an unprecedet.ted instance
of positive victimisation of the
General Secretary of the Sikkim
Lopcha. Association, Mandal
Dupchen Lepcha, who lives in
the Lepcha area of Lower
Jongu, that is; in the Maha-
rani's "Private Estate."

Without prior intimation,
Mandal Dupchen Lepcha was
summarily culled by the Private
Secretary to the Mahaiaja of
Sikkim to pay a "fine'' of Ks.
10,297/80 nP. for the alleged
offence of cutting down trees
within his own patta land, and
also, for having used the left-
over timber from the construc-
tion of his house for the urgent
and essential repair of a small
bridge used by the Public of
Jongu-Diksbu, — that was a
acurcc of danger and incon-
venience to them, at the spe-
cific and urgont request of the
Engineer, Sikkim P.W.D; and
these matters were alleged to
have taken place more than
two years ago 1

The allegations are cate-
gorically denied by the Mandal,
who has documentary proof in
evidence. The notice from the
Private Secretary summarily
demanded that Mandal Dupchen
Lepcha^ should pay the amount
as "fine" into the Maharani's
account, which he has totally
refused to comply withf

It would appear that the
coming into being of-the Sikkim
Lepcha Association, whose in-
fluence among the Lepcha grows
daily, and which stands for
the oil-out emancipation of the

backward and down-trodden
Lcpchas, the true a'dvuBis of
-Sikkim, has come into conflict
with the vested interests of the
anachronistic Private Estates,
for there can be no other reason
surely, for this grave injustice
and fantastic "tine" on a simple
bustce wallnh of humble means
in the Lepcha area of his
"country of origin." 'that such
a Btate of affairs is possible in
this year of grace 1862 is a
matter that bogglel imagination.
(ould there, then, be a more
cogent reason for the immediate
abolition of the Private Estates,
a demand that is echoed in
every corner of Sikkim today?.
Yours etc. Kazi Lhendup Dorji-
Khangsarpa of Chakhung, Presi-
dent, Sikkim Lepcha Association.

Darjeeling, June 22
Mr. Jangbir Subba,
a resident of Darjeling's
Newra Forest Bustee in
Gortibstban thana, has
been promised a reward
by the Superintendent of
Poliee. for the commen-
dable oourage shown by.
him in resisting a gang
of daooits, who bad raided
bis house on June 8<
Armed, with u kukri be
■ingle-banded tackled two
of the dacoits with such
determination as to scare
off the other intruders.
The two men taokled by,
Subba were both injured

Darjeeling, June 22

An agricultural market-
ing offioer was arrested at
Siliguri on Monday by the
Enforcement Branch for al-
leged acceptance of illegal
gratification. It in stated
that the officer concerned
had accepted Ri. 200 from
a flour mill owner at Siliguri
promising to increase the
wheat quota for the mill.
Marked currency notes
were reoovered, the police
claim, from the officer'!
pocket after tho alleged
transaction. —-

Applications are in-
vited for the following
two temporary p o b t m
under tho Sikkim Relief
and Rehabilitation Com-
mittee, Gangtok. Candi-
dates should be prefera-
bly quaiiftfd and expe-
rienced. The applications
should reach the under-
signed on or before the
26th July 1962, stating
age, educational qualifi-
cation and experiences.
The pay will be considered
in light of certificates and
testimonials. Preference
will be given to candidates
knowing Tibetan language.

. One Qualified Steno-
tj pist. 0 unqualified Store-
keper-cum accountant.
T..S: Gyaltshen,
Establishment Department
Government of Sikkim,
Gangtok, Sikkim.