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Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Time*

July 1, 1963

3. C. JAIN

Vol. IS JMa. 43, Kfllimpang, d^V 1962

DR. It- C. ROY

Dr. Bidhan Chandra
Roy, Chief Minister of
Wait Bengal is 81 today.
President, Dr. Radha-
kriahnan will attend a
programme at Mahajati
Sadan, Calcutta, to cole,
brate the day.

Dr B.C. Roy, today
ii one of the top ranking
leaders of our oountry.
The State of Weat Bengal
is fortunate in haying
suoh a great personality as
its Chief Minister. Under
his guidance and leader-
ship, West Bengal made
tremendous progress.

Even at this age.
Dr. Roy is very aotive,
officialdom surrounds him,
and his heavy duties as
statesman & politioian
olaim most of his day.
In the morning ha
attends patients who go
to him for consulta-
tion and after that he
rushes to his office and
is oompletely absorbed
in his work for the rest
of his day. He handles
business quickly and cm

He is greatly concer-
ned about the problems
of West Bengal, specially
that of Caloutta. He it

equally eonoerned about
the problem of hill areas.

On the occasion of
his 81st Birthday, we
wish him good health and
a longer life for the
aervioe of the nation.

kalim pong declared
a hill station

Kalimpong, June 22
The North-east Frontier
Railway authorities have
declared Kalimpong a
Hill station and conces-
sions available to Hill
station will be extended
for travels to or from
Kalimpong. Accordingly
return 'fares will be calcu-
lated at one & half times
of the single jurney fare.
The facility will at present
be upto 31st Ootober,

grants to tribal

Siliguri, June 29
The Government of
West Bengal has allotted
Re. 16,600/ for giving
'grants to tribal institu-
tions and organisations
for cultural, r'eoreational
and sooial aotivitiea and
the like at the rata not
exceeding Rs. 600/ per
institution per annum.

Darjeeling, June 28
The Government's
dilatory method in. sanc-
tioning a soheme envisa-
ging expenditure of Rs.
27 lakhs' in two phases,
submitted by the Dar-
jeeling Municipality to
augment its water supply,
hat landed the municipa-
lity in further difficulties.

About two years ago,
the Government had pro-
posed taking over the
Fire Brigade at Darjeeling
from the municipality and
expanding it suitably to
meet the requirements of
the area. Reeently the
municipality received a
Government communica-
tion whiob stated that
the proposal would only
be considered after the
water supply in the mu-
nicipal area was adequate.

■'The Commissioners,
in their annual meeting
last evening reluotantly
deoided to defer the mat
ter till its water supply
was augmented.

Kalimpong, June 30
The Chinese authorities
in Tibet have out off the
Radio link of Indian
Consulate at Lhasa. It is
reported this link with
India was cut off on