Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

July 8, 1962

DR.BIDHAN CHANDRA ROY January 1948 Dr. Ghosh

(Continued from page 1) resigned and he was ap-

Dr. Roy entered poli- pointed Chief Minister,

tios with a loud bang. Re-elected to the State

In 1023 he stood as an Assembly in the 1057

independent oandidate for eleotions with a majority

seat in the Bengal Le- of about 500 votes over

gislatiTe Council. He was his only Communist rival,

supported by Deshbandhu Dr. Roy stood from two

Das's Swaraj Party. His constituencies in 1962—the

rival was the great Sir only Chief Minister per-

Surendranath Banerjee. mitted by the Congress

Though he had been HiKn Command to do so

in the Congress almpst »nd won by handsome

•inoe the begiuning of majority in both,

his political career, and The steadfastness with

had been on its Working which he sought West

Committee for some time Bengal s welfare was re

(during whioh period he fleoted in the State's three

went to prisen for a short Plans, of which Dr. Roy

while), he had always been was undoubtedly the ohief

overshadowed by the more author. His vision of an

powerful personalities of increasingly prosperous

Deshbandhu lias, J. M. WestABengal so inspired

Sen Qupta and Subhas Dr. Roy that eonsidera-

Chandra Bose, and was tions of resources were

never muoh in the public apparently secondary to

eye. With' his suavity, him.

his capacity to remain Dr Roy wa„ ,itoted

eool in the most trying a Fellow of the Royal

oiroumstanoes and his tre- Society of Medicine in

mendous intelligence, he )909 lhe Royal gooiety

excelled in behind.the. of rropicai Medioine and

soene negotiations. It was Hygiene in 1935; and of

only after independence, tll8 Amcrjoan Society of

when he became Chief chest Physicians in 1940

Minister of West Bengal Itl ,g61 he wa9 Bwarded

following a short spell by tbe Bharat Uatrra.

Dr. P. C. Ghosh, that the
politically minded man in
the street became fully
aware of him.

Id August 1947 he
was in the USA when
Dr. Ghosh selected him
for inolusion in his Cabi-
net after independence. In



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