Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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July 22, 1962

Himalayan Times


providing osiual employ-
ment to as many refugee*
as possible on an ad boo
basis. Nearly 10,000 re-
fugee* have consequently
been found employment
on various road works
add they are reported to
be in high morale.

In addition, arrange-
ments have been made
for the training of suitable
refugees in handicrafts,
small seals industries and
trades like carpentry,
blacksmithy, eleotro plat-
ing, pottery, shoe making
and tailoring, A number
of these refugees have
absorbed themselves in
various Tibetan refugee
settlements as a result of
the training received by
them. Nearly fifty Tibe-
tan girls are being trained
as nurses' aids and dais.

There are about 3,< 09
children of school going
age amongst the refugees
and the Government of
India have decide d to
provide to them adequate
educational facilities. A
Tibetan Education Sooiaty
has s been constituted with
the Union Education Mi-
nister as its Chairman and
representative of the Dalai
Lama and the Govern-
ment as members. The
needs of nearly half of
these children are already
being catered to in three
residential schools mana-
ged by the Sooiety in
Simla, Mussorie and Dar-
jeeling and in some day
schools. The' Sooiety is

in the prooees of setting.
up one or two more re-
sidential schools. The
Dalai Lama's sister looks
after nearly 300 Tibetan
ohildren below the age of
five years at Dharamsala.
The Government of India
provides the rations, the
accommodation and other
facilities required.

The desire of the re-
fugees to keep alive their
oulture, religion and tra-
ditions is viewed with
sympathy by the Govern-
ment of India and they
have geanttd ten fellow-
ships and twenty five
scholarships to Tibetan
lamas to study and teach
Tibetology in Indian Uni-
versities. The Namgyal
Institute of Tibetology
and the Gangtok Sanskrit
University at Varanasi
are doing research in

The camps at Buxa
and Dalhousie are reser-
ved for Tibetan lamas, of
whom 2,000 are living in
these oamps. A residential
school for young inoar.
nate lamas has been es-
tablished in Delhi with
aid from the Government
of India. The Govern-
ment is also helping in
the training of seventy
young Tibetan men and
women as social welfare

Aid in cash or in
kind from Indian and
foreign private oharitable
organisations for the Ti-
betan refugees is being

routed through and co-
ordinated by the Central
Belief Committee of India.
The more prominent of
the Indian organisations
which have rendered help
in this manner are the
Indian Bed Cross Sooiety,
the Indian Brsnoh of the
Service Civil International
and the Committee on
Belief and Gift Supplies
of the National Christian
Council of India.



All the Private Roads
& Paths belonging to
Darjeeling Tea Plantation '
Co., Nagri Tea Estate,
Na'gri Spur P. O , Darjee-
ling will remain dosed for
three days on 21st, 22nd
23rd August, 1062. Public
who are not residents of
this Estate are hereby
informed that necessary
permission .should be ob-
tained from the Manage-
ment of Nagri Tea Estate
for thoroughfare on these
dates. .

-The four and half
mile Motorable Belli Koad,
which is nearina com-
pletions will be extended
uptp Gorubatban. A brid-
ge will be constructed an
the river Belli. This new
road will cover many
villages and shall greatly
improve the communica-
tion of this Sub-Division.