Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

AUgUSTr o, laos

Ual. is JNo. 4a, Kfli AsigM?t S, 1962


Dr. B. C. Roy, Memo-
rial Committee baa deni-
ded to observe Bidhan
Chandra Week, from Sth
to, 12th August. During
this period, fundi will
be raised for the propo-
sed Dr. B. C. Roy Memo-
rial Children's Hospital.

Prime Minister has
also appealed to Nation
for generous contribution
to this fund. All over
the Distriotr, local com-
mittees have been formed
to raise fund.

Dr. Roy, took great
interest in the welfare of
our District. He had
many sohemes for the
hill areas, which will be
implemented gradually. It
is nur earnest appeal to
the people of this district,
to contribute generously
towards this fund.


Jalpaiguri, July 31
The establishment of
the Jalpaiguri Engineering
College in the State's
Third Plan has- been ap-
proved by the .Planning

The oollege, sponsored
by the Government of

West Bengal, started func-
tioning laat year, with
only oG students, in the
premises of the Jalpaiguri
Polytechnic Institute.

The oollege will shift
now to its own premises
on August 15, 1962, ac-
cording to the Principal
of the Engineering College.

"build worthy memorial

to dr.- roy"

Mr. Nehru, in a sig-
ned statement, has appea-
led to the people to build
a worthy memorial to
Dr. Roy. He says that
everywhere in Caloutta
one sees the impress of
Dr.jRoy's hand and his
work. He died as a great
man should, engaged till
the end in activities for
the public good. India
an a whole and not only
West Bengal, while grie-
ving his loss, should re-
joioe also that this man
of vision blessed us with
his work, and his example
and passed away leaving
a breath of his greatness

"It is fitting that we
should build a memorial
to him after his own

season's best football
match st. augustine's
(great game
Kalimpong, Aug. 4

St. Augustine, gave a
good fight against Phuutso-
ling Bhutan), whiobfielded
6 "A" Division played of
Bata Sports Caloutta. The
only one goal soored in the
first half by left winger
Dutta, gave the visiting
team 1—0 viotory. '1 he
huge crowd appreciated
the game of Caloutta
players. The looal team
missed several chances
of scoring. In other matoh
of the Independence Day
Shield Tournament,
Rongo got walk over
against Kurseong X I.
At Darjeeling North Point,
won the Malla Shield by
defeating. Mount Hermon
Sohool by 3 goals to Nil.
At Siliguri, Kumudinl
Homes, Kalimpong beat.
Siliguri Boys High Sohool
by 1 goal to Nil, in Su-
brata Memorial Shield.
This all India School
Championship game is
being organised with the
co-operation of D P I".
At Kalimpong, Govt. High
School and S I'.M. I nati-
tution did not participate
in this tournament also.
Kumudini Homes will
now meet Kurseong on

I trust therefore, that
people all over India' will
contribute handsomely.