Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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August 5, 1962

Himalayan Times




Sealed tenders, super*-
' oribed "Cold Storage
Plant", are invited from
contending person! - for
leasing out of tbe three
room*, occupied by the
Cold Storage Plant and
il* aocessories, along with
the machine on the fol-
lowing conditions:—

1. The entire plant
■hall be taken over in iti
present condition and put
into commission at the
tenderer's expense »whioh
has to be oertifed by the
Municipal Electrical En-

2. The Eleotric char-
ges shall be paid separa-
tely at the scheduled rate,
as recorded by the meter;

3. The Machine Reom,
Cold Storages Plant Room
and the Ice making Room
xhall not be used for
purposes other than those
for which they are in-

4. The tenant shall
be responsible for any
further damage to or
breakage of the Plant
with its components and
accessories and the build-
ing premises with all its

6. The three rooms
with the machines shall
be settled with one, who
offers the highest rent;

6. The lease shall
bold good. for a fixed

period of thru* years,

renewable-on one month's
notice before the expiry
of the lease, on terms &
conditions to be settled
between the two parties;

7. After termination
of the lease or in oase
of relinquishment of the
charge of the properties,
the entire Plant' with
accessories and the pre-
mises with all fittings
shall be handed over to
the Municipality in good

8. Any addition to
or alteration in the pre-
mises or the existing fit-
tings shall require the
prior approval of the
Municipality; &

9. In oase of any.
breaoh of conditions du-
ring the period of lease,
the Municipality reserves
the right to terminate
the lease by one month's
notice without assigning
any reason.

Tenders should reach
the undersigned on or
before the 3lst August,

'Municipal Office,'


Kalimpong, Aug. 3
The Eud-of-Course
convocation for the 7th
Session of the Co-opera-
tive Training Institute,
Kalimpong was held at
Gouripur House on 31st

of July last under the
presidentship of Sri. 6.R.
Bhattacharya, Deputy
Registrar of Co operative
Sooieties, West Bengal.
Sri M. K. Kargupta, i.a.S.,
S.D.O., Kalimpong acted
as the Chief Guest and
distributed certificates and
prizes to the suooessful
trainees. '■

Shri A. Majumdar, Prin-
cipal cf the training Insti-
tute in his welcome address
informed the audience that
by the end of the 7th
Session 136 . candidates
could be trained in the
principles and practice of
cooperative. The success
of the Cooperative-move-
ment needs an H army of
trained staff and be hoped
that those who will be
going back to their own
duties on completion of
training should serve their
cooperative:' institutions
sincerely and honestly.

Sri Kargupta, the Chief
Guest, in his speech re-
minded the trainees about
responsibilities that they
will have to assume in
making the movement
successful. They will, he
held, face many difficulties
in discharging their duties
but they should try to
overcome those boldly.

Sri S R. Bbattacharya
in his presidential address
traced the history of Co-
operative movement and
stated how once Bengal
led the rest of India in

( Continued on page 7)