Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Tenders in sealed oo-
'era superscribed ' Tender
or bark transport" are
nvited by the undersig
led on behalf ofjthe Gover-
ler of West Bengal for
rhe carriage of Cinchona
jark from Kongo to Mung-
ioo during the period
rom the let. September,
1962 to the 31st August,
1963. The rate should be
nclusive of charges for
oading and unloading at
)oth ends and tranship-
ments on the way, where
leeessary, due to floods,
■oad blocks or land slides.
The total quantity of bark
-equired to be transported
luring the year is likely
;o be between 400 and
300 quintals, more or
ess. The rate should be
quoted psr quintal. The
tenders should be accom-
panied with Income Tax
iad Sales Tax clearance
}ertifioates, where appli-

Each tenderer is re-
quired to deposit into
Treasury the sum of Rs.
50/- (Rupees fifty) only
as Earnest Money in fa-
vour of the undersigned
and the original receipted
Treasury Challan must
acoorupany th6 tender.

selected tenderer will
be required tc sian a
contract after depositing
Rs. 500/- (Rupees five
hundred) only as Security
Money within a specified
date. The Earnest uiocay

Hime.layan Times

is liable to be forfeited
on the failure of the
•elected tenderer to exe-
cute the contract within
the stipulated period.

Tenders should reach
the undersigned on or
before the 28th August,
1062, within offise hours.

Director of Cinchona,
West Ber-gal,
P. O. Murgpoo,
Dist. Darjeeling.


Applications for award
of District Board stipend
in commemoration of the
name of Dr. H. C. Muker-
jee are invited from Gra-
duate Students who ara
children or residents of
Darjeeling district for
training in;

1 Teaching


2 Librarianship.

The application should
be properly submitted in
the prescribed form on
or before the 20th Septem-
ber, 1962.

The detailed adver-
tisement Notice and the
prescribed form may be
seen from the District
Board office, Darjeeling
and from the Local Board
Offices at Kurseong, Sili-
guri and KalitnpoDg.

A. C. Chattsrjeo, Advocate

2nd Vice-Chairman.,
District Board, Darjeeling.

August 15, 193£

New Delhi, Aug. 11
India's population has
gone up by 21.6% ia the
last ten years. This final
population of India, ac-
cording to the 1961 Cen-
sus, inoluding that of the
former French and Por-
tuguese possessions, is -j-59

The number of fe»
males per 1,000 malea is
941 compared to 946 in

The percentage of
literacy has also gone up
in the country. As com-
pared to 16.6% literacy
in 1951, it has gone up
to 24%. Percentage of
literacy among males no ;?
is 34.4% aad among fe-
males 12.9%.


All the Private P.cads
and Paths belonging to
Happy Valley Tea Estate.,
P. 0. Darjeeling, Van-
Tukvar Tea Estate, P.O.
Dsfjeeling and Mefcaibari
Tea Estate, P. 0. KttC
seong wiil remain closed
for three d&ys on 3rd,
4th & Cth September,
1962. Public who are
not reside?: t» of ibet-e
Estates are ber.-by hifor-
wed that aecessery r>«-
mission ahouid b* cltsi-
cid from the r«*p»ctive
Managers of the s*:*«
estates, for vhorc-ugii.'SJis
on these deu*.