Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

August 15, 1333

! "ify* G. D. N. £. CAICUHA SH

Editor: . ^ independence cay t\m\

s. g. jaih gifiWa^atiCiittjs Kori- ?%£fs GKii

. • ■ - ............ Kal.BipODg, Aug. 32

\)a\. \& J'Jo. j, Kalirnp.orvg, Avwmjt IS, !:ri2 G D.n.3. ;Cais. ec-

—-->-wv«~^^^^. tered the filial of lode-

.".-pen lent India is 15
ir olj tod-iv. On (his

fcat'.-.rdsy. Hie other semi-

THANK YOU I final match between

ear or; iota v. uti 11115 • n. . v , ■ -<-T __j

, . ,. . . , Phuntsbcling Al ana &.!»•

ay vvc rrmenioer our past- \\iti thisissuesr yourhand Umpoog Club will be

3 haroship and s,uiieruig— we enter .into sixteen; !i vear played on 14th

nd" rejoice, at'the achieve- of our publication.. 7 hrough- H In an exhibition match

iem 01 irce&om. om these years our effort 0 „ Sunday North

During last fifteen years has ail along remained 10 Point XI beat Phuatshho.

i our In ependenee we keep the people of this ]jng XI by 2 goals to

ave taken long strides to- region enlighten about the Nil. fhuntshohsg tct.u

rards progress in different affairs 0: local interest. At fielded 10 Calcutta 'A*

•a'.ks of National life and the same time it has been Division plsjers. Father

ur achievements have been our endtjvour to keep the Auric, North Point centre

ppreci.--.tcd by ail lro e people informed about the forward aud -Samdutt,

•ho are interested in the developments in the country ]eft inner scored for ths

•elt'are arid prosperity of "nd the achivements of the winning team. In another

ur Motherland. The'coun- Govt. Particular attention exhibition match Ksuita-

-v is on the -Larch and the was giver, about the affairs pong XI drew with G C,

;fd five -. ear p'Un shall of border region, after the N.S. (Calj each side ecoi-

iring further improvements Chinese aggression, with an jpg 2 goals,

hroughout the country. aim to keep the people's KurnudVd Homes beat

A< far a* d-'crc- Hi :" ";'-lt! and to regain Kurseong Btys Schools

nr feminity « -^Y" ""'v" EN aeti>"ili*s by 3 goals to Nil in Sub-

are in "a letter -v;.-.ion r; ;":i," .-;- lorces. We . r«U Mukherjee Ct.p or

nd we an oreiArd.-: to o:;cr -v t s -teerr-st thanks Junior Durond. 7 Kay are

v.r s. t-'> ■•>!:- si:'--c-ihcrs. adversi- now diatrietcbemp-.onsand

.T,v.-..r, s= • < & «'r;lw:.<j t r< for thVV wiil now meet the winner

« * P-"-7 rj,£:; ■>•"••■ hope of Jalpaiguri Diss.

neot ar.v
■v, hv "


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■ :: \VH1LE IN KAi.lt


\\*:. u:. elect-ON petition C? uintri

TO be heard 0'« i! V - Sf'pt
CVG The n< Si heKr;! ? of

Sri 0 M. Mtotri-"e. etmioa
' ■ s!:is " '- v_ "" ■ D t: 4 5 i>et;li:.n hoi bees: 5 x- d : n

i'..«i.e : its. A. P. Das,