Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

August 15, 1962


Kalimpong, August 11

Speaking in the West
iailgal Legislative Assem-
ily recently ari L B. Josee,
£. h. A. said ;

This Stats of Welt
Sengal is Tery unique in
be sense that %t have
iTe frontier! which meet
mr border at one point or
he other. The pei.ple liv-
og along these borders
ire of very many types
peaking various dialeots.
fbey have their peculiar
jroblems. The House will
rery well remember how
mr" lat* Minister. K. P.
ilookerjee u»ed to viBit
md was frequently out
in tour visiting Malda,
^ooeh Behar, Jalpaiguri
ind Darjeeling and our
jeloved Dr. B. C. Roy
:',30 had a very soft cor-
isr for the northern
iistricts and he was &
rery frequeat viiitor.
iViih their passing away
ihere ia an apprehension
;hat a vaccuu) might be
-reated. Now I would
suggest that there ia
enough justification for
the creation of a Fron-
tier Ministry or a Minis-
try to look after the
frontier atfaiis.

I hope my friends
bare will corroborate me,
that the District Deve-

lopment Council met only
in February, 1961 and
einoe then it has not met.
Development is an essen-
tial thing particularly in
our region and also all
over Bengal. Now if an
important institution dea-
ling with a thing like
development does not
meet for 18 months, you
can very well visualise
what we gain by such an
institution. What is the
good nf creation of suoh
offices or institutions ?

Therefore, I suggest
that a Development Offi-
cer, tomebody—not the
Deputy Commissioner—
but somebody else should
be appointed to look af-
ter the development ex-
clusively so that deve"
lopment in its real sense
rc»y be attended to and

In the Government
Cinchona and Medicinal
herb Plantation that have
been running for ths last
fifteen years the labour
there in always treated
as temporary. From the
day of enrollment down
to the day of their going
to the grave they are
temporary. Their position
should be stabilised.

Talking about ccsa-
rrmuity project, comma-
city projeot is a, w«y
briliianJ ecr,sspc:on. Its
objects are laudable but
whou we look into it; I
am afraid, wo will find
its implemental is far
from laudable. Why ?
Ths general oosnplaint ev
rather the universal com-
plaint that 1 have heard
is that allocations are
m*de very late. The re-
lease orders reach the
Block Development Offi.
oers very late, sometimes
towards the fag end of
the financial year, 80
that the Block Develop*
ment Officers have no
time to complete the for-
malities of disbursement.
Allocations should be made
s?»ll in time.
Kalimpong, Aug. 12
Mr. I. Surita, Com-
missioner, Presidency Di.
vision &SriJ.C. Talukdar,
Seoretary,Industries De.it.
paid a short visit to
Kalimpong. During their
stay here they visited
Arts & Crafts Co opera-
tive Society. Mr. Surits
also selected site for ths
proposed Rest House fos
Ex-Army personnels Tbs
building will be located
Bear th* Kalimpong court
The selection of site joi
proposed Saioik Schoo-
ler about SOO studenti
haa also been mora 91
Iosq finalised.