Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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August 15, 1962

Himalajan Times


AppUc&Uom for sti-
pends of Darjeeling Dis-
triat Board for training
in Medical, Engineering,
Veterinary Science, Agri
oukure, Teaching, Fine
Arcs, Health Visitorehip
Training and Polyteohnic
are invited from Hill and
Terai boys and girlt of
thia district.

'J lie last date for re-
ceiving suoh applications
is 20tli September, 1962

1'he procedure of aub-
mitting such applications
and condition! for grant-
ing stipend are goTerned
by rules framed by this
Board which may be seen
fi>,ji the Uistriot Board
office, Darjeeling and from
Local Board offioei at
Kurseong, Siliguri and

A. C. Chatterjet, Advocate

2nd Vice-Chairman,
District Board, Darjeeling.


In exercise of the po-
wers conferred upon me by
Rule 3(l)(a)(i) of the Weat
Bengal Municipal Election
Kules, 1960, published
under Notification No, 60-
60/M.3R-19/58 dated the
20th May, 1966, read with
Sub-seotion (3) of seotioc
24 of the Bengal Munici-
pal Act, 1932 and Section
: of the Bengal Munici-
pal (Amendment) Act,
3955, I hereby fix Thurs-
day, the 14th Maroh,
1953, as the date for hold-

ing the General Election
of the Kalimpong Muni-

Sri S N. Aoharya, Sub-
Deputy Magistrate and
Sub Deputy Collector (on
probation) and 3rd Officer,
Kalimpong is appointed
an Election Officer under
rule 2(3) of the Elsotion

B. C. Mukherjee(
District Magistrate


Applications are invi-
ted for the following 2
temporary posts under
the Kalimpong Motor
Transport Syndicate, Ka-
limpong The applicants
should be qualified and
experienced in handling
the transport work. The
application should reach
the undersigned on or
before 25th August, 1962.
The application should be
written in candidates own
handwriting, stating age,
qualifications and expe-
rience. The scale of pay will
be fixed according to the
Rules of this Syndicate
and the seleoted candi-
dates will be required to
appear before a Selection
Committee at Knlimpong
on their own expense,

Oue Cheoking OfBoer
for Kalimpong siliguri line.

One Offioe Assistant
for Syndicate Head Office
at Kalimpong.

K. M. T. S., Kalimpong,



(Under Rule 6)

Tha Genera! Election
of the Commissioners of
the Kalimpong Municipa-
lity has been fixed for
Thursday, the 14th Maroh,
1963. Ab required under
Rule 5 of the West Ben-
gal Municipal Election
Rules, 1960 published un»
der Government of West
Bengal Notification So.
6060/M.3R-19/68 dated
20th May, 1960 all per-
nans entitled to vote in
that eleotioo under sub-
clause (b) and fo) of clause
(iii) of sub-section (2) or
under sub-section (5) of
section 23 of the Bengal
Municipal Aot, 1932 eo
amended and a'.ao any
company, body corpora.e,
firm or other association
of individuals entitled to
vote through one of its
members aa its represen-
tative, are hereby infor-
med and requested to file
their olaims, statements
and letter giving parti-
culars and qualifications
to the Registering Autho-
rity at the Office of the
Kalimpong Municipality
by 5 p. m. of the 10'h
September, 1962 at the

M. K. Pradhan,
Kalimpong M inicip&lHjf,