Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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s'miau" and the f'bibi"
did not agree to it.

The Mnulvie and bis
other wife new plan-
ned to give him a slip,
and Haramkhor watched
them carefully. On* day,
the Moulvie sent bis ser-
vant to a long 'distance,
packed up bis tbingB in
a big box, and setting
fire to his house, started
with hia wife to his fa'her-
iu-law's place. Haramkhor
became suspicions, when
be was sent away, be
secretly watched their
movements in the. bouse.
Finding the box containing
valuables unattended he
entered it and closed the
lid quietly. The Mculvie
carried the box with diffi-
oulty and on reaohing a
well took it down. When
he opened the lid, he
found Haramkhor inside
and Bomo of bis valuable
thiDgu removed, 'ibe ser-
vant came out of the
box and saluted h i a

Thus frusted in his
attempt to get rid of
Haramkhor, the Moulvie
t nd his wife devised
ax.oth.er plan. They slept
oa the bank of the well
in ths nigbt and allowed
Haramkhur to sleep at a
short distance. The eer-
rant did oot sleep and re-
mained watching the
Moulvie and his wife.
Tired as tbsy were they
fell fast asleep. Haram-
khor quietly weut to them,

brought the sleeping
woman to his bed and
covered her. He then
took h«r bed. When the
night had much advanced
the Moulvio got up, and
thjnkiDg Haramkhor to be
his wife called him to
follow him. They then
silently went to Harani-
khor's bed, and taking his
wife to be Haramkhor he
told him to help him in
raising her and then throw-
ing her into the wall. Ha-
ramkhor did what the
Moulvie wanted; acd they
threw the '.-man, sleeping
as she wag, into the well.
"Hurrah cried ths Moul-
vie'* at last, we have
succeeded in getting rid
cf the Satan " "Not unleBB
you give your nose to
him," replied Haramkhor.
The Moulvie was thunder
struck, and wept the
whole night. In the morn-
ing he proceeded to his
father-in-law's place and
bis servant followed him.
When the Moulvie came
near hia father-in law's
place he sent Haramkhor
to inform his master's

Consequently, Haram-
khor went to bis father-
in-law's house and aaid
that Blodlvie Saheb bad
comr, as he was very
unwell and wanted change.
He at the same time told
them that the physician
had instructed him not
to eat for a fews days.
He would however deny

this faofc and would show
his desire to eat; but the
inmates of the house
should not yield.

One hearing the arrival
of his sou-in-law, the
master of the house sent
his eldest son to fetch
him, aud be came in a
very depressed condition.
Hungry as he was, he
wanted something to eat;
but siuoe Haramkhor
had already warned them
they refused to offer
anything due to his illneBs.
He told them that he
only appeared gloomy
owing to the death uf
bis wife, and that there
was nothing wrong with
him, but they would not
listen to hira He had
therefore to remain with-
out food the whole day,
and in the evening he
told, Haramkhor to go to
the market and secretly
fetch some bread to eat.
The aervent brought some
gram instead and said that
nothing else was available.
Hungry as the Moulvie
was he ate seme gram
and had an attack of
diarrhoea in the night.
Haramkhor brought an
earthen pitcher and told
him to pass his naotrons
inside it. Fearing that
d'sclosure would deprive
him of food next day,
he secretly did it: and
in the eurly morning to! i
Haramkhor to throw away
the pitoher: but he ie:u
( Continued on page 2 ;