Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Six Himalayan Times


Important Researches Now Under Way

&. comprehensive sebeme
for tii» cultivation of rare
medicinal plants in the
Himalayan regions of Dar-
jeeling district is now
being implemented by tbe
Gon-ri)i»sDi of West Pen
gal, and encouraging re-
sults have already beei

The four-fold objects
of tbe eeheins, undertaken
in 1954, at Ron go, are:

(a) to provide alternative
employment to labourers
in the Cinchona Planter
lions on the border of
Parceling, rfikkim and
Bhutan, who were threate-
ned to lose their employ ■
meat on account of the
draitiis fall in tbe demand
for quinine and cinchona;

(b) to grow medicinal
plants both exotic and
indigenous io tbe State
in order to meet India's
needs and, if possible, to
esport the raw materials
and finished drugs abroad.
a) to develop these back-
ward arsas, and (d) to
oarry on co-ordinated bo-
tanical, chemical bio-
chemical null clinical in-
vestigations to improve
the local products and to
drscurer oe^r drugs or
new combinations of drugs
for the service of huma-
nity at large.

ibe reports for vears

196961 and 1961-62 show
a phenomenal progress in
all aspects. The result is
that to day West Bengal'*
output of Ipecac roots
ie the largest in Iudis,
and is expected to riee
to the highest in the East
very soon. Production of
Digitalis, Ergot, Coffee,
Camphor, R'auvolfia and
other products is also
being extended to reach
the target already fixed.
Researches on the plants
grown ; in tbe area for
efficacious treatment of
peliomylitis, oanoer, dia-
betes and dysentry ': i.
and tin basic materials
for the production of
Cortisone, it is hoped,
might lead to discoveries,
which will be India's
greatest oontribution to
medical Science and the
wallbeing of mankind.

The Medicinal Plants
Committee of the State
Government, which is en-
trusted with this work,
has decided to undertake
on an experimental basis
a new venture-tlie culti-
vation of Cocane yielding
piant-Ery;bcxylutn Cocs-
& eommediaty for vrhicb
there existe a world

The Ipeoao cultiva-
tion scheme bag now been
found ta bo & more or

October 7, irS«3

less a permanent under
taking. Expansion of
Ipecac.cultivation in order
to reach tbe target af
49,000 lbs. of dry root*
in tbe year 15)68-39 is
being implemented. Th«
researches ou cultivation
of medioinai plants nee
centinuiug side by sid-;
to check tbe results and
to improve the quality
and quantity of produc-
tion by intensified culti-
vation. Laboratory wcrk-
cbemical, biochemical, bio-
assay and oliiiioal—is
being carried on at the
School of Tropical Metti-
cine and S.S.K.M. Hos-
pital under tbe overall
supervision of tbe Director
of Medicinal Plain?.

During the yeail960-
61 the scheme yielded a
revenue of Rs. 2,90,000,
with a net gain of Rg.
1.57,000. It it expected
tbat in the rears 1961-62
and 18(42 (I'd a net gain
of Rs. 2 01,000 and Rs.
2,24,000 respectively will
be derived and this will
go on increasing in tbe
years to come.

The Ergot cultivatioE
scheme is gradually pro-
ceeding towards proposed
development the produc-
tion of 90.000 ib» of
Ergot per year.

Cultivation of other
medicinal .plants and el-
lerii&tive and subsidiary
crops like coffee aad
cardamom having great
prospects ie also process!.