Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times October 14, 1962


Editor: i w.y^PPVy,* DISTRICT SPORTS

S. C. JAIN ; fptttM^Rttj(MtU£g KalimpODg, Oct. n

~ Spoils held at D&rjaaliog


_ . .» i . .. .. In 100 Metres Phup

bmil- m Imh thoughtful cooperation TiWHng osmo fiM^time

have oropped up with the by the btate Government, jj 9 ieoon(j 20(1 Metro?

announcement of the de- art exhibition at let Banbir 8et of hor'th

ouion, to have adult fran- kalimpong Point, 2nd Phup Sehering.

ohise in the next Mumci- _ .„

pal eleotions. In the three Kalimpong, Oot. 13 In Long Jump: Kumar

hill Municipalities accord- Justice 8. R. Dae, Pradhan was first and

ing to previous order the Vice Chancellor, Yisws. Phup Tshering was 3rd.

elation, were due in March Bh.rati Univeraity d.cla- Hemu A(jhik cams

and preparations were red open at the Town Hall fitit in 400 Metres Seeond

gome ahnad aocordine y. an Art Exhibition orca- . „„,. ... . ,

Sn." jj i. e: i i ig. , . f . in 800 Metres nod first

This sudden change to nised by Students Art . lsftn —

adult franchise shall take Exhibition Committee, Ka- .L .1 d T'<h

time and the Mun'oipali- limpong. Speaking in pre- ,. . . 'u %~ . jS.v

ties shall have to confront ■•no. of a distinguished .Bnd wen 6sho ,D<h-

aom. practical difficulties gathering Justice Dai prai- Vldual onamP10Da'S'P-

in preparing the eleotoral sed the effort of tha JASWAL to lead K. K, U

Rolls on the basis of adult students and explained TEAM

franchise after deliminat. the value of oraative art. n r r» » te

ing double member con. Sri K. C. Banthia Uarjeel.ng, Oot. n

tiluenoie.. Considerable pre8ident of the Exhibi- ...A esv,9^'unT n«"

progress have already been tioll Committee and other »ed by Col. B.8.

made for the election menibers took a leading P"™P* °{ tha

in March according to part in orKftni.jng th* Him. ayan Mountemeer.ng

the existing election sya- exhibition Institute, will make an

tem. For a oharge over------- attempt next month to

to new system, it is felt, FOR SALE conquer Kathong peak,

the time is too short One Bell & Howell we,t of Kab™ id ths

and the only rem-dy is 16 m.ns. Sound Projector »"",m Himalayas,

to postpone the eleotions complete with speaker The expedition fiill

or to have the elections in and Step down transfer- 8t,rt from Darjeeiing 80

March according to pre- msr. .Sparingly used. November 3 and Co!,

sent sj'Btem. The Muni- Price Ra. 2000/- os Bear Jaswa! hopes to be bask

oipa! authorities are tba offer, by Bid'{Member,

best judge in this respeel BURSAR Ho eaid not much

and it is hoped their Dr_ Qrahani'a Homoa. «• known of this audi?.,

viewa will be given Kalimpong. ' bad mountain,