Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

November 4, 1963


Tenders are invited
in sealed covers supers^
cribed "TENDER bOR
BAKAL8" by the Mana-
ger, Govt. Cinchona Plan-
tation, Mungpoo P. 0.,
Dt. Darjeeling on behalf
of the Governor of West
Bengal for supply of
following quantities of
Bakals tc be delivered at
the nuraary sites men-
tioned hereunder:—

18 Line Ipecac Nur-
sery, Mungpoo Division—
3,500 pes.

Mali Godam Ipeoac
Nursery, Ruugbee Divi-
sion—3,600 pes.

Bhalutar Ipecac Nur-
sery, Labdah Division—
600 pes.

The Bakal should be
10' x 1' length and width
properly oloaned. Defor-
med, broken or damased
slabs will not be aocepted.
"ha bakals will br> avai-
lable from respective dha-
ran sites where sawing is
being done by the sawing

The supply is to bo
completed by 31st January,

The rates should be
quoted for eaoh pieca or
one hundred pieces in-
eluding all ehargeH, i e.
collection, cleaning, carria-
ge, stacking etc. Delivery
iB to be made at the
ooints shown by the Di-

visional Officer ooncerned
or his representative at
the nursery-
Tender together with
an earnest money of Bs,
50/ should reach the
undersigned on or before
i5th November, 1962.

The successful tenderer
will have to sign a final
agreement of oontract and
to deposit 10% of the
total value of the work
as Security Deposit which
will be forfeited to Govt,
in oase the tenderer
fails to fulfil ' the terms
and conditions nf the

The rieht is reserved
to this office for accept-
ing or rep-cling the lowest
or any tender;

Govt. Cinchona Plantation,


Tender? in sealed co-
vers superscribed "COW*
DUNG" are invited by
the Manager^ Govt. Cin.
chona Plmtatipn, Mung-
poo P.O. Uist. Dxrjeeling,
on b*lialf of the Governor
of Wesi liengel for the
supply of 11,000 (eleven
thousand) maunds of ma-
tured cowdung to be
delivered as detailed

1. Mungpoo Division
3"00 mds. at 18 lines &
2000 mds. below Sirisay

lines and above L.4S

2. Rungbee Division
5C00 mds. at Mali Godam.

3. Labdah Division
800 mds. at Bhalutar &
200 mds. at 40 Nursery

The rate should be
quoted for eaoh division
separately and should in-
clude all charges upto
weighing to the point of
delivery. The supply ie
to be made at exact spot
or spots shown by the
Divisional Officer or his
representative. The oar
riage is tc be completed
by 3lst January, 1963.

Tender together with
sample of Cowdung and
earnest money of Rs. 100/-
(Rupees one hundred) only
should reach the under-
signed on or before 15th
November, 1962 (within
office hours).

The successful tenderer
will have to sign a final
ngreement of contract and
to deposit 10% of the
total value of the work
as Security Deposit which
will be forfeited to Go-
vernment in case the
tenderer fails to fulfil the
terms of the contract.

'I he right is reserved
to this office for accept-
ing or rejecting the lowest
or any tender.

Govt. Cinchona Plantation,