Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Four Himalayan Times November 4, 1962

; , -v... Ipecac Nursery, Mungpoo

* <w> ,>*'■ '- » \->w. Division, Govt. Cinohooa

S. C. JAIN f)!malaWaR;CI>Xnt£5 Plantation, Mungpoo.

=>■•-'*: -~- The rate should be

)j •' \ i !/ i- ~v , U j /: '--ioao quoted per 100 running

Joi. i _1 / io.-li l\d;imriong, J \e\'(-i.ibi!' f, IViii/ ^ t r

m . ^ j The bamboo* should

IM)1A 1U-DAY be eupp'.ied from sources

Prime Minister Kehrt: s also colk-etiid two thousand

outside Govt. Cinchona

ppeal to

Nation for" unity rupees. Tin. iJtusiims and La- Plantation area, Mungpoo.

br->URht a uc^iuiuu, dakJii ,M.uali«j.have raised about, The bamboos should

aun$t tlirouirtiout toe comurv. lis. 2wo. The Ladies Dufaice u on' i u ■ > »k

V wavljio nation has rallied Aid Cominittjoo has collected be 30 arid above m length,

mind to strengthen the Prime BO tolas of Gold so far. Rai 8" and above at base

linii-tor's haiidiii this hour of Sabib Bhimbahadur Pradliau & and 4" at the top in girth.

ri*c*. is indeed most hen-ten- Ron* have donated Rs 111)1/-. Deformed, damaged and

:a. 'his >iH...v.s ever,- b.dian Sri Siwram. Agarwala of JIu* immature bamboos will

is L'reit. relied nut aHe.-tioii House has donated about Rs. . . . . iP1

-•- -nrb ...v.-.i Prime Mmisi.r. i IflOi; in c*,ih, gold ornaments not . be "Ceptsd. His

!'!•-.lire .country has aad SIMM u.iif. .of/Snow gobies carriage is to be oom-

■» l-.Vii.-d the uuo'iovoked Ti-e atntleiiv) of .St. Augustine' plated by 31 January, 1962.

.I "t.««iM imasi.-ii oi' f.'iiiisa. School hav", donated lis. •Jill. .,, , ., ...

iM-.aa-.v and in 'oiie ' and one bangle for Ilia . ^ui» together with

,„„;, To- e .ioiirv is united fund. The lo.ial youths collected the earnest money of

...Invalid eviirv ' Indian has H«. 107:!'- in a door to door K.i. 100/- (Rupees one

.1,1..-! ii.it tii rest till the s«eot drive.; Sriial Agarwala hundred) only should reach

n u.vad.r is drive,, out of Manager, Himalayan llerchan- the und(irsjgIled on or

ur Wrriliirj-. Indii to-day is disc Corp-va 11.111 lias <lo,.,ded . f .«...5 v l .

„,t the same old India. Then to contribute Rs. Bo/- every V...J J.. „ 1 V . *

b--n a great change and i""»tb Tlni"'l>m-ga P"i--i Ooin. 1962, within Office hours,

« hope -thk.ereat cW.; i» ™f7>« "g" The successful tenderer

i«t unknown to Peking. »»•«. l.'W- tul »<< fund by ... ... .

■!,.. Cbbir-s.- have made a Hi- org,n,i-ii- a -variety, show. will have to sign a final

nalivau !......-brand tli'i India .... agreement of contract and

i»r.r,!e |i»v.: made Hiiniliyau ,„ _ - to deposit of the

let'eriniiiation ... meet the. 1 Ii?j3r.R NOIICE total value of work 88

Security Deposit which

•10RE COLLECTIONS t-'O:; Tenders in sealed eo- will be forfeited in case

nFFFwrp- FiiNn v<ts superscribed "TEN- the tenderer fails to fulfil

t"-t-"U 1-ER C'JR BAMBOOS" the terms and oonditioaB

are ii:v :-ii by the Maria- of contract.

ft«r, Govt. ICiacbutiH Plan- „,. . . .

) -(.-ii"i Fund is (...iik; oti in ' . ■.. .. -____ D A The right is reserved

... . talit'u-.igpoo r. O. - 6 - -

K»!i!i.po»g, Nov. :i
Tie.' eoiii - tio.-i f..r Nati.

by the undersigned to

< 1 ;f h '^^f r " fhwaIf "ject one or all" tenders

i; oiicse ...Lier— ion '.olillilltte..,. oi Hie tj. jVeTHOr lit West 1 ■ ...

• ; .; ,,.:.;..■„. ,,]■., ti.„,..i ;> „„, i ;• , ,- •» reoeiveo without aseignica

.»a iiu oiv;ai.i.-..v.:.in:';«i!jc,iti;>n.<l li -ngi l iur supply of ap- e

ia-UVjU-.s nrgauisj. proximately 7000 (seven any reason.

&*Vv?i*/k?K&»,?X'u™ ttiousand) pieces full length Manager

1-i.ilMwl «.i f. r l'.s. soon/-. rnilured bamboos to be Govt. Cinchona Plantation,

i'li, lov.-a! 6i,ine«oresidinis have delivered at 18 Line, Mungpoo.