Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

December 2, 1963


Sealed tenders supers-
cribed "Tender for carriage
and supply of plantation
materials for 1963 64" are
invited on the following
conditions :—

Carriage of leaf soil/
Cowdung on quintal basis
from h. 42, Dokandara,
Bakasay, Chardobate, L.
53 and Jholcng to Nasal,
K. Loray, Gairibas, Dal
gaon and and L. 47 Rongo
Ipecac and Medicinal
Plants nurseries:. The
rates for leaf soil and
oowdung on quintal baais
for oolleetion and supply
from forest Deptt. block?
of Jaldbaka Range such
as Paren, Samsing, Kin:,
mani may also be quoted.

Carriage of Pareng
bamboo on 100% ba*ia of
20' each from L 42, Do-
kandara, L. 39 to Dalgaon,
Gairibas and Nasal nor.

Carriage on 100%
basis Posts bamboos and
Jungli (split) 5' and S'
from Jholong, Kancha-
laray to Dalgaon and
Gairibas nurseries.

Carriage of bambooa
20' from Kanch Loray to
Dalgaon, Gairibas and
Naxal. Cinchona Poles 8',
10', 12', IS1 -20' on %
basis from L 53, Chardo-
bato, L 42, Dokandara to
L. 39 Barkihed and Dal-
gaon Barkshed, Dalgaon
& L 39 Barksheds to
Gairibas & Naxal Nur-

Carriage of charcoal
on quintal basis and fire-
wood on pile of o'xo'x
2h' basis to Gairibas£Go-
down and Blacbsinitby in
cane of charcoal and to
the muster ground, Bung-
lows of Botanist and
Manager in case of fire-

CarriaEe on per oeut
basis of 4' tight bundles
Waste veneer from B. S.
& Co , > agrakatta/Matelli
Rly. station yards; M/S
Assam Bengal Veneer Od-
labari Chapramari Rly.
station yard may also be

Rates for Sawing of
timber pianks £ : onwards,
battoms. b.-ams of all
eiz-^s from Departmental
trees at Jholong/L. 42
Rongo and delivery at
Gairibas Office yard and
near Dalgaon School. In
case of outside sawing,
Mill should be declared
and the rates of Forest
Department should be
strictly adhered to. Ve-
neering Roil on siz-id front
Dept. logs including was-
tes may also be quoted
for 4 bundles

In all cases the rates
quoted should be inclu-
sive of weighing, slacking,
rebundiiug, logging and
measuring as the ca^e
may be.

Id all cases of car-
riage works non need ten-
der who di not po.--se»
trucks with valid iioensusi
Tenderers should be pre-

pared to Garage the ve-
hicle temporarily if and
when necessary in the
plantation to expedite the
work. If the tenderer
fails to carry materials
during the period cf need
damaged done by him by
way cf keeping the la
bourera idle will have to
be borne by him.

Tenders should reach
the office of the under-
signed on or before 11th
December, 1502 and the
same will be opened on
12th December. 1962 at
10 a. m. before tenderers
present. Earnest Money
of Rs. 500/- si.iuid b»
deposited under the hear*
'Revenue deposit" and
T. R; Challati submitted
with the tender which
will be treated an security
money in case cf accep-
ted tenderer. In case the
lowest tenderer for any
item/items withdraws open
bid will be i::vltei from
the tenderers present and
the lowest quoted rate
will be accepted. The
accepted tenderer will have
to enter into written ag
retiuent within 7 days cf
opening of the tenders.

All rights art- reser-
vi d to accept and r-'-ject
one ami all tenders with-
out assigning any reason
by the undersigned..


Govt. Ipeoac Plantation,
P. O, Matelli-