Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

December 9, 1963


Tenders in sealed covers,
supersoribed "BUILDING
Lateines" are invited by
the Manager, Government
Cinchona Plantation, Lat-
panohor, Kurseong P. 0.,
Dist. Darjeeling ou behalf
of the Governor of West
Bengal for building latrines
iu the Government Cin-
chona Plantation, Latpan-
ohor. The construction of
latrines should be com-
pleted within two months
from the date cf aoceptar.ee
of the teuder.

206 latrines at Lat-
panehor Mozdoors and
stuff dhura. Ceiling rate
Rt. 3,500.

Bore-hole system with
Bemi-pucna structures, at
per details hereunder :

The pit should be
1.829 mm deep x 1.371
mm dianietre The flooring
Bhould be of Katus or
any other bard wooded
bakal or hard wooded
round beams to be collect-
ed from Cinchona areas
against, permit. Front ele
vatiou i.829 mm and back
1.525 mm, size 1.2 0 mm.
The posts and beams
should be hard local wood.
The roof thstohed with
khur. The doors 0.762 mm
x 1.829 mm of sawn
local 0 02 > mm planks
(permission will be given
for sawing r< quired quan-
tity of plauks from Cin-
ohona area) battened and
hinged with aproved hinges
One 'Chukul' tc be provided

from outside, walls to
be made with double obim
or local wood 0.025 mm
planks (as per terms and
conditio;' mentioned
above ) 19 kg. approx.
khur will ba provided.
Other materials will have
to be opllected against
permit too. The structure
should be strong
enough wit!) thiok roofing
so as to last for 2 years
without any repairs.

No othrr material or
implement will be supplied
by the plantation authority.

Tender should be ac-
companied with earnest
money of Rs. 300,- in
cash. The approved ten-
derer will have to exe-
cute a contract in proper
form and deposit Security
Money of Rs. 350 00 in
the treasury challan within
fifteen days of the accep-
tance of tender. If the ten-
derer, whose tend a r
has baen accepted, fails
to oornply with the
above conditions, the Ear-
nest Money is liable to
be forfeited to Govern-
ment The Security Money
deposited by a contractor
is liable to be forfeited,
wholly or partially, if
Government suffers any
loss due to negligence or
acts of omission or com-
mission on the psrt of
the contractor, or his em-
ployees in connection with

The oontractor will
have to take full responsi-
bility of the labourers that

will be employf-d by him
and that ha shall ba res.
poneible for any accident
occuring to them during
execution of the work.

The tender should
reach theMrcager, Govern-
ment Cinchona Plantation,
Latpanchor on or before
the 20th l ecember, 1962
(within office hours)

The undersigned ia
not bound to aucept the
lowest or any tender.

Govt. Cinchona Plantation
Kurseong P. O.,
Dist. DarjeelinEr.

lenders in sealed co-
vers, superscribed "Khur
Carriage'' are invited by
the Manager, Government
Cinchona Plantation. Lafc-
panchor, Kurseoug P. O.
Dist Darjeeling on behalf
of the Governor of VVeBt
Bengal for carriage of
Khur from the following
khurbari of Sittong Divi-
sion to different spots.
Rates should be
separately quoted for each
itt-m. The carriage should
be completed within a
month from the date of
acceptance of the lender.

1. 21 Khurbari to
Sittong Mazdoo,- Dhoon,
bouses—Distance 2 5 kilo-
metres—410 quintals (Ap-

2. 37 Khurbari tc
Veg. Prop, site (above
bum/alow) Diatanoe—i .5
kilometres—16i) quintals
(Appn x).

(Continued on page 5)