Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

December 9, j-962


(Continued from page 2)

3. 24 Khurbari to
Latpanchor Bahater Msz
doors and staff individual
houses—Distance 4 5 kilo-
metre—185 quintals (Ap-

4. 24 Khurbari to 38
nursery site distance—1
kilometre—75 quintals

5. 37 Khurbari to 38
nursery site distance—1.
kilometres—35 quintals

6. 21 Khurbari to 38
nursery site distance—1.5
kilometres—40 quintals

Each tender should
be accompanied with Ear-
nest Money of £ts. 25/
(Rupee? twentyfive only)
in cash, separately for
items mentioned above.
The approved tenderer
isfjll have to execute a
contract in proper form
and deposit Security Mo-
ney to the extent of 10%
of the accepted rate in
Treasury challan within
fifteen days after accep-
tance of the tender. If the
tenderer whose tender
has bren accepted . fails
to comply with the con-
ditions mentioned above,
the Earnest Money is
liable to be forfeited to
Government. The Security
Money depoa't.sd by con.
tractor is liable to be
forfeited, wholly of par-
tially, if Government suf.

fers any loss due to neg-
ligence or acts of omis-
sion or commission on the
part of contractor, or bis
employees in connection
with the work.

The contractor will
have to take full respon-
sibility of the labourers
that will be employed by
him and that he shall be
responsible for any aooi-
dent occuring to them
during execution of the

The tender should
reach the Manager, Go-
vernment Cinchona Plan-
tetion^ Latpanchor on or
before the 18th Decembert
1962 (within office hours)

The undersigned is
not bound to accept the
lowest or any tender.

Govt Cinohona Plantation,

Kureeong P 0.

Tenders in sealed co-
vers, superscribed "LEAF-
invited by the Manager,
Government Cinchona
Plantation, Lafpanohor,
Kurseong P. O , District
Darjeeling on behalf of
the Governor of West
Bengal for carriage of
leaf-soil from Forest area
and local area to different
spots. Rates should be
separately quoted for each
item. The carriage should
b> uomploted withiu a
month frcni the date of
acceptance of the tender,

For Latpanchor:—

1 Thamdanra (Above
Latpanchor) to Kalikhole
Nursery site Distance—3
kilometres—222 quintal;.

2 Looei areas to Kali-
khola Nursery site Dis-
tance—2 kilometres—120

For Sittong:—

1 Thamdanra (Above
Latpanchor) to Veg. pro-
pagation site Distance
Approx—6 kilometres—
185 quintals.

2 Local areas to 38
nursery site Distance—<4
kilometres—'160 quintals.

Each tender should
be accompanied with Ear-
nest Money of Rsl 25/-
in cash, separately for
the items mentioned above.
The approved tenderer
will have to execute a
contract in proper form
and deposit Security Mo-
ney to the extent of 10%
of the accepted rate in
the I reasury challan within
fifteen days after accep-
tance of the tender. If the
tenderer, whose tender
has been accepted, fails
to comply with the con-
ditions mentioned above
the Earnest Money is lia-
ble to be forfeited to
Government. The Security
Money deposited bj con-
tractor is liable to be
forfeited, wholly or par-
tially, if Government suf-
fers any loss due to ueg-
ligeuce or acts of omission
( Continued on page S)