Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times December 16, 196S

zitang, A Kashmir Govern-
ment Notification of 1941
establishes beyond doubt
their administrative control
ovdr thb Detnchck, Sang
pur, Pangon, and Chang
Chrnmo a.eas.

In Spiti, tbe area right
up to the watershed was
included in British Indian
revenue settlements from
1S51 and tbe area was
topographically surveyed
in 1850. 1879 eto Far-
ther south, the area up
to the Shipki puss has
always beeu included in
the Indian vilUge of
Namgia and had been
surveyed in 1882 1897,
1917 and 1920. The Go-
vernment of India have,
for long, maintained the
Hindustan Tibet Road
right up to the pass.

The frontier areas of
Gurhwal up to the SutU j-
Ganges water-bed were
subjected to ihs revenue
settlements of 18:5,184".',
1856 and 1920. They wire
also topographically sur-
veyed by offioial survey

In tbe tribal area of
the NorUi East Frontier
Agency, British officials
maintained a loose type
of administration. Tiiey
visited the area frequently
to show the flag, punish
tribal* lor disorderly be-
baviour, settle inter tribal
disputes and, in general
keep the peace of the
area. The area was cons-
tituted into the Sadiya
and Baiipara Frontier

Tracts in 1912. Offioial
maps have shown tbe
area as part of India.
The Map of India (1SS3)
the map published by tbe
Survey of India in 1885
and corrected up to 1!?>)3,
and the map attached '.o
the Memorandum on Na-
tive States, published by
the Government of India
in H109, show the entire
tribal area by a distinct
colour wash.

The traditional boun-
dary between Indi.-.n or.d
China has also received
sanction in treaties. The
Treaty of 1842 between
Kashmir on the
one hand and Tibet and
China on the other, binds
poth parties ''not to in-
terfere at all with the
boundaries of Ladakh and
its surron" dings bb fixed
from ancient times" The
Sikkim Tibet boundary
w ;s defined in the Anglo-
Chiuean Convention, IS90.
The north east frontier of
India was defined in the
Agreemant of March 1914
between the British and
Tibetan Plenipotentiaries
to the Simla Conference,
and was ratified by the
Government of Tibe t. The
Chinese Plenipotentiary
was given a copy of the
map depicting the agreed
Indo-Tibetan es well as
Sino-Tibetan boundary.
The agreement on Trade
and Intercourse between
India and the Tibet Re-
gion of China, 1954, men-
tions six passes on the

Sutlej. Ganges watershed
as border pisses.

This vast array of
evidence in favour of the
Indian alignment, am' the
fact that Tibet never rai-
ned any but small disputes
in one or two sectors, is
convincing proof that the
present Chinese claims to
large tracts of Indian
territory; totally lack evi-
dence and substance—-
(Courtesy: AH India Radio.)


In the matter of Bengal
Co-operative Societies
Act, 1910 and
In the matter of lvalim-
pong Arts & Crafts In-
dustrial Co-operative
Society Ltd.

Notice is kertby given
that the statutory audit
of the abovenarr.od co-
operative sooiety for the
year ended 30th June '62
has been takeu up by
me from 7-12-62 I, there-
fore, request every depo-
sitor, creditor, debtor and
member (if the said society
to verify bis individual
credit ami/or debit balanfe
and the share balance,
i~epectiveiy, a* the case
may be, as at SOlh June
13(12, with me in tbe
Society's i fiice at Kalim-
pong during office hours,
within 21st December

A. R. Pathak,
Inspector of Co operative.
• Kalimpong Circle.