Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

December 23, 1952


Tenders in sealed co-
vers superscribed "TEN-
are invited by the Mana-
ger, Government Cinchona
Plantation, Mungpoo P.O.
Dist. Darjeeling on bi-balf
of the Governor of West
Bengal for supply ef ap-
proximately 7000 (Seven
thousand) pieces of full
length matured Mala
bamboos to be delivtred
at li Line, Ipecac Nur-
sery, Mungpoo Division
of Mungpoo Plantation.

The rate should be
quoted per 100 running
feet separately (1) from
eouroes outside Govern-
ment Cinchona Plantation
area, Mungpoo (2) from
sources other than
Government owned bam-
boo baries within Govern,
ment Cinchona Plantation
area, Mungpoo.

The bamboos should
be 30' and above in
length. 81 and above at
base and 4" at the top
in girth. Deformed, de-
maged and immature bam-
boos will not be accep-
ted. The carriage is to
be completed within loth
February, 1963

Each tender should
be accompanied with Ear-
nest monej of Rs. 100.00
(one hundred) only in
oash. The approved ten
derer will have to exe-
cute a contract in proper
form and deposit 10%
of the total value cf

work as Security De-
posit in Treasury Challan
within fifteen days after
acceptance of the tender.
If the tenderer, whose
tender has been accepted,
fails to comply with the
above mentioned condi-
tions, Earnest money is
liable to be forfeited to
Government. The Secu-
rity money deposited by
the Contractor is liable
to be forfeited, wholly
or partially, if Govern-
ment suffers any loss due
to negligence or act of
omission or commission
on the part of the Con-
tractor, bis employees in
connection with th» work.
The contractor will
have to take full respon-
sibility of labourers that
will be employed by him
and that he shall be res-
ponsible for any aocident
occurred to them duripg
execution of the work.

The tender should
reach the undersigned on
or bbfore 25th December,
1962, within office br.urs.

The undersigned is
not bound to aocepl the
lowest or a»»y tender.

Govt, Cinchona Plantation.

Director of Publicity,
Govt, of West Bengal
Writers* Buildings, Cal-
cutta, invites applications
from Citizens of India
for s temporary post of

Nepali Sub-Editor. Pay i
aoale—Rs. 225-10-325-15- I
475 plus bouse rent allow- |
ance if admissible. Quali- |
fications: (i) A degree of I
a reoognised university; |
an honours degree in i
English or Nepali and |
knowledge of Bengali 1
would be desirable: (ii) I
knowledge and experience £
of producing original ma- J
nuscript for publicity lite- I
rature and press feature I
in Nepali; (iii) knowledge g
and experience of trans- \
lating from English into 1
Nepali; (iv) knowledge c f
make up of journals "
ill us t. a ted pamphlets auU 8
reproduction of illustft
tions and ability to super-
vise productions iu the
press; (v) at least two
years' experience as sub-
editor in a newspaper,
news agency, advertising
agency or a Govt, pub-
licity organisation and
thorough knowledge in
proof reading. Age: Bet-
ween 30 and 40 years
(relaxable in case of per-
sons already in Govt,
service). Applications sta-
ting name, father's name,
qualifications, experience,
age, present and perma-
nent address aocompauied
by specimens of published
works, articles etc. should
be sent before 29 12 62.
The candidates will have
to appear at a written
tsst & interview before
the Selection Board at
their own cost.