Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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back to our trenches. Awarded the Indian Order of Merit, 2nd
Lieutenant McSwiney, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Gurkha Rifles. This
officer, finding his party held up by Germans posted behind a trench,
without a moment’s hesitation jumped on to the near slope of the
trench to get at the enemy over, the traverse, but was at once shot
down and the party had. to eventually withdraw to our trenches.
There, however, news was received that Captain Alexander of the
battalion, who had had an ankle shattered, had refused to be an
encumbrance to his men in their precarious retirement, and had
ordered them to leave him and help the other wounded men.
Lieutenant McSwiney, badly wounded as he was, at once took
Subadar Dalkesar Gurung and 6 men out as a search party, but
failed to find him and only just succeeded in getting back to our trench
when he collapsed from loss of blood. Awarded the M. C. It is
pleasing to record that Captain Alexander survived, having been
captured by the enemy.
Subadar Dalkesar Gurung, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Gurkha Rifles.
This is the officer mentioned in the account of Lieutenant
McSwiney’s adventure related above. The Subadar, besides
attempting to rescue Captain Alexander, had throughout displayed
great gallantry, coolness, and leadership, leading his company right
down to the German trench with the bayonet. He was mentioned
in despatches: and later, having again distinguished himself at
Neuve Chapelle, where he was wounded, was awarded the Cross of
the Russian Order of St. George, 4th Class.
Naik Rupdhan Pun, of the same battalion, who had been to the
fore throughout, received the Russian Medal of St. George, 2nd
Class, for the same action, combined with his services at Neuve
Rifleman Ganpati Thapa, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Gurkha Rifles.
Displayed conspicuous gallantry. Awarded Indian Distinguished
Service Medal.

Lance Naik Jhaman Singh Khattri, Riflemen Gajbir Bisht and