Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein [Editor]
Kunst und Handwerk: Zeitschrift für Kunstgewerbe und Kunsthandwerk seit 1851 — 81.1931

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Simpson, Stanley: The Berlin porcelain factory and beauty in the modern home
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Kunst und Handwerk
A.D. 1851

The Berlin Porcelain
Foctory ond Beouty in the
Modern Home


The State Porcelain Factory at Berlin owes its origin
largely to the efforts of Frederick the Great, who
found leisure amid his sterner labours in the sphere
of war and Statecraff to appreciate and encourage
art in several importantbranches.Thefirstestablishment
for the production of Porcelain in Prussia was founded
in 1752, but had to close down on the outbreak of
the Seven Years War. In 1761, a new institution—the
Berlin Porcelain Factory of to-day—was established in
the Prussian capital, where, during the next few years
so high a level of production was attained that the
Factory soon became renowned throughout Europe.
The flnest achievement of this period is, probably, the
magnificent table Service made in 1767 for the Castle
of Breslau. During the nineteneth Century undue Clas-
sical influences proved an obstacle to the free devel-
opment of porcelain's potentialities as an artistic
material, and it was not until the end of the Century
that this restrictive influence waned and a naturalistic
revival set in. The European War and the difficult time
immediately following it retarded but could not check
the flowing stream of the Factory's revitalised produc-
tive powers, and during the last decade, such enormous
strides have been made and new ground broken in

Ruth Schaumann, München • Plates ofthe "Vineta" fishservice

▼ Teller des Fischservices „Vineta" — Staatl. Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin