Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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19. S. Lorentz, Architektura wieku Oświecenia w świetle
przemian w życiu gospodarczym i umysłowym (The Ar-
chitecture of the Age of Enlightenment in the Light of
Changes in Economic and Intellectual Life - in Polish),
“Biuletyn Historii Sztuki”, XIII, 1951, no 4, pp. 5-38 -
Lorentz, Architecture of the Age of Enlightenment
20. S. Lorentz, Domus Aurea Nerona i Villa Laurentina
(Nero’s Domus Aurea and Villa Laurentina - in Polish),
“Meander”, I, 1946, no 6, pp. 314-324 - Lorentz, Domus
Aurea and Villa Laurentina
21. S. Lorentz, Natolin (in Polish), Warsaw 1948 -
Lorentz, Natolin
22. S. Lorentz, O importach rzeźb z Włoch do Polski
w pierwszej połowie XIX w. i o Thorvaldsenie (On the
Sculpture Acquisitions from Italy to Poland in the First
Half of the 19th Century and on Thorvaldsen - in Polish),
“Biuletyn Historii Sztuki”, XII, 1950, nos 1-4, pp. 289-
309 - Lorentz, On the Sculpture Acąuisitions
23. S. Lorentz, Prace architekta Louisa dla Zamku
Warszawskiego (The Work of the Architect Louis for the
Warsaw Castle - in Polish), “Biuletyn Historii Sztuki”
XIII, 1951, no 4, pp. 39-74 - Lorentz, Work of Louis
24. S. Lorentz, Wawrzyniec Gucewicz. Na marginesie
monografii: E. Budreika, Architektas Laurynas Stuoka
Gucevicius, Vilnius 1954 (Wawrzyniec Gucewicz. Side-
-notes on the Monograph: E. Budreika, Architektas
Laurynas Stuoka Gucevicius, Vilna 1954 - in Polish),
“Biuletyn Historii Sztuki”, XX, 1958, nos 3/4 ^
Lorentz, W. Gucewicz
25. I. Malinowska, Stanisław Zawadzki (in Polish), War-
saw 1953 - Malinowska, S. Zawadzki
26. B. Maszkowska, Z dziejów polskiego meblarstwa
okresu Oświecenia (The His tory of Polish Furniture-
-making in the Age of Enlightenment-in Polish), Wrocław
1956 - Maszkowska, History of Polish Furniture-making
27. A. Miłobędzki, Zarys dziejów architektury w Polsce

(A Concise History of Polish Architecture - in Polish),
Warsaw 1968 - Miłobędzki, Concise History
28. Z. Ostrowska-Kębłowska, Architektura pałacowa
drugiej połowy XVIII wieku w Wiełkopolsce(The Pałace
Architecture in Great Poland in the Second Half of the 18th
Century - in Polish), Poznań 1969 - Ostrowska-Kębłows-
ka, Pałace Architecture
29. K. J. Pilchowie, Zabytki Dolnego Śląska (Monu-
mcnts in Lowcr Silesia - in Polish), Wrocław-Warsaw-
Cracow 1962 - Pilchowie, Monuments in Lower Silesia
30. Portrety osobistości polskich znajdujące się w poko-
jach i w Galerii pałacu w Wilanowie. Katalog (Portraits of
Polish Personages in the Rooms and Gallery of the
Wilanów Pałace. Catalogue- in Polish), Warsaw 1967 -
Portraits of Polish Personages
31. A. Ryszkiewicz, Polski portret zbiorowy (Polish
Group Portrait - in Polish), Warsaw-Wrocław-Cracow
1962 - Ryszkiewicz, Polish Group Portrait
32. K. Sroczyńska, Zygmunt Yogel. rysownik gabineto-
wy Stanisława Augusta (Zygmunt Vogel, Court Drawing
Artist of King'Stanislas Augustus - in Polish), Wrocław-
Warsaw-Cracow 1969 - Sroczyńska, Z. Vogel
33. W. Tatarkiewicz, Dominik Merlini(Domenico Mer-
lini- in Polish), Warsaw 1955 - Tatarkiewicz, Merlini
34. “Biuletyn Historii Sztuki” (Bulletin of Art History)
35. The Cabinet of Drawings at the Library of Warsaw
University - Cabinet of Drawings, Warsaw Univ. Lib.
The dimensions of objects described in the catalogue are
given in cm, height tinies width.
Every entry in the catalogue includes a nuniber in square
brackets which corresponds to the sequence of illustra-
tions in the book.
