Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Index of Localities and

(the names and monuments mentioned in the bibliography
have not been included; numbers after semicolons refer to
illustrations, numbers in italics are the numbers of illustra-
Abbreviations of the names of districts:
Bg - Bydgoszcz, Bp - Biała Podlaska, K - Kalisz, KI -
Kielce, Kr - Kraków, Le - Leszno, Lb - Lublin, Ł -
Łódź, P - Poznań, Pi - Piła, PI - Płock, Pt - Piotrków, Ra -
Radom, Rz - Rzeszów, Si - Siedlce, Sk - Skierniewice, Wa
- Warszawa, Wł - Włocławek, Wr - Wrocław.
Aleksandria (Si) seeSiedlce, Ogińska’s garden called Alek-
sandria (water colour by Z. Vogel)
Arkadia (Sk) 12, 34, 280
- Aąueduct 258; 65
- Diana’s Tempie 258; 67, 68
-J. P. Norblin, Aurora, ceiling painting 277> 180
- Greek Arch 258; 66
- Tomb of Illusions 44, 247
Athens (Greece) 12
Baalbek (Lebanon) 12, 27, 262
Baranówka (USSR), former porcelain manufactory
- cup with a view of the ruins at Łobzów (National
Museum in Warsaw) 288; 218
Bejsce (KI), pałace 43, 263, 272
- front elevation 270; 134
- garden elevations 270; 135
Białaczów (Pt), Małachowski^ pałace 14, 254, 255, 263,
- front elevation 269; 128
Białystok 10, 40
Boremel (USSR) 36
Bronowice near Cracow 276
Brześć 47, 285, 286
Canton (C.hina) 24
Chocim (USSR) 280'
Chocz (K), pałace of Mitred Prelates
- portrait chamber 266; 111, 112
Copenhagen (Denmark) 284
Cracow (Kraków) 45, 49, 276, 277
Wawel Cathedra]
- chapel of the Holy Trinity
— statuę of Włodzimierz Potocki (B. Thorvaldsen)

48,285; 204
- chapel of the Potocki family 275; 174
pałace of the Potocki family, generał view 252; 24, 25
pałace of the Wodzicki (Przebendowski) family, gen-
erał view 264; 100
- interior of the salon 101
public buildings
Jagiellonian (Cracow) University
- Astronomical Observatory 29
National Museum
- K. Aleksandrowicz, Portrait of Duke Kazimierz
Radziwiłł 279; XXVIII
- M. Bacciarelli, Portrait of King Stanislas Augustus
with an Hour-Glass 41
- J.P. Norblin, Sarcophagus of August and Zofia
Czartoryski at Puławy 278; 182
- A. Orłowski, Battle of Racławice 282; 192
- T. Regulski, cameo with bust of T. Kościuszko
284; 200
- F. Smuglewicz, Peasants by the Candle 276; 178
- J. Tatarkiewicz, Dying Psyche 285; 206
- K. Wojniakowski, Portrait of General Józef Kos-
sakowski 278; XXX
- K. Wojniakowski, Portrait of Izabela Czartoryska,
nee Fleming 278; 183
Czerniejewo (P), pałace of the Lipski family
- front elevation 264; 97
Dęblin (Lb) 33
- Mniszech’s pałace and garden pavilion (water colour by
Z. Vogel) 262; 91
Dobrzyca (K), garden pavilions 268; 122, 123
Gorzeński’s pałace 43, 245
- Ballroom 268; 125
front elevation 268; 124
Dowspuda (USSR), Pae’s pałace 46
Dresden (GDR) 15, 16, 18, 33, 38, 40, 41, 287
Falenty (Wa), P. Fergusson Tepper’s pałace
- Ballroom, S.B. Zug’s design 246; 43
Fawory - see Warsaw-Fawory
Florenee (Italy) 45
Glosków (Wa), P. Tepper’s villa, S.B. Zug’s design 241,
249; 16
Gniezno 11
Grodzisk 10
