Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Index of Names

(the names mentioned in the bibliography have been
excluded; numbers after semicolons refer to illustrations,
numbers in italics are the numbers of illustrations)
Acciardi Tommaso, sculptor 274
Adam James, architect 8, 244
Adam Robert, architect 8, 244, 254, 255
Aigner Chrystian Piotr, architect 13, 29,36,43,44,45,48,
256,257,263,265,266,269,270,271,272,273,274; 88,
92, 93, 109, 110, 131,132, 136-143, 147, 148, 155
Albęrtrandi Antoni, paintcr 38, 39
Aleksandrowicz Konstanty, painter 42, 279; XXVII
Alexander I, Russian tsar 44
Amadio Giuseppe, stucco worker 246, 254, 265
Angelini Giuseppe, sculptor 261
Antinoos 260
Arndt August Wilhelm, Warsaw merchant 244, 245; 33
Artois, Duke d’ 288
Augustus II, Polish king 15,18
Augustus III, Polish king 15, 18, 40, 239
Avaux Felibien des 242
Bacciarelli Marcello, painter 16, 17, 19, 20, 21,22, 26, 27,
280, 286; XIII, XIV, 187, 188
Badeni Marcin 270
Bandau Jan Jerzy, goldsmith 287; 215
Baranowski Wojciech, bishop 253
Bathory Stephen see Stephen Bathory
Batowska Natalia, art historian 239
Batowski Zygmunt, art historian 277
Baumann Fryderyk, stucco worker 265, 269, 270, 271;
Baumann Wirgiliusz, stucco worker 271; 142-144
Becker Jan Samuel, architect 243; 27
Bellori Giovanni Piętro, painter and writer 6
Bellotto Bernardo, called Canaletto, painter 17, 21,38,41,
249,258,279; IX
Bentkowski Feliks, professor of Warsaw University 272;
Bialobrzeski Henryk, architect 274
Bianchi Antonio, stucco worker 239
Biegański Piotr, architect 273
Bieńkowski Jan, architect 256
Blank Amelia, nee Pechwell 282; 194
Blank Aniela 282; 194
Blank Antoni, painter 48, 282, 283; 194
Blank Ludwika 282; 194

Blank Piotr, Warsaw banker 253, 265
Blondel Jacąues Franęois, architect and theoretician of
architecture 10, 244
Boccaccio Giovanni, writer 247
Boleslas the Bold (Chrobry), Polish king 264, 266
Bonaparte Napoleon see Napoleon I
Borghese Paulina 284, 285
Borghi Giuseppe, stucco worker 254
Boucher Franęois, painter 41
Branicki, family 10, 40, 279
Brenna Vincenzo, architect and painter 242, 256, 258; III,
XVII, 64
Briseux Charles Etienne, architect 244
Brodowski Antoni, painter 48, 282, 283; 195, XXIX,
Brodowski Karol 282; XXIX
Bruhl Alojzy Fryderyk, generał, Starost of Warsaw 34
Bukaty Franciszek 276
Bursze Teodor, architect 252, 274
Caffieri Philippe the Younger, brazier 286; 212
Campbell Colin, architect 244, 245
Canaletto see Bellotto Bernardo
Canova Antonio, sculptor 7, 48, 284, 285; 201
Carlin M., cabinet-maker 288; XV
Carloni Marco, engraver 276
Carracci, family of painters 6
Casasopra Paolo, stucco worker 246, 265
Casimir the Great, Polish king 26, 261, 264, 280; 188
Catherine II, Russian emperess 21,249
Ceptowicz Michał, stucco worker 267
Chambers William, architect and theoretician of architec-
ture 33, 34, 244
Chyezewska Alina, art historian 280
Clairon d’ Haussonville Maria Franciszka Ernestyna 252
Cleopatra, queen of Egypt 262
Cochin Charles Nicolas Jr., architect 7
Copernicus Nicolaus, astronomer 48, 284
Corazzi Antonio, architect 45, 46, 272, 273,274, 276; 152,
154, 157, 160-164
Coustou Charles Pierre, architect 10, 11
Czacki Tadeusz, historian, active in economics and educa-
tion 279
Czartoryska Izabela, nee Fleming 34,35,36,248,265,277,
278; 183
Czartoryska Maria Zofia, nee Sieniawska 270, 277, 280
Czartoryska Teresa 278
Czartoryska Zofia 278