Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Symposium on Nubian Studies <2, 1972, Warschau> [Hrsg.]; Society for Nubian Studies [Hrsg.]; Michałowski, Kazimierz [Bearb.]
Nubia: récentes recherches ; actes du Colloque Nubiologique International au Musée National de Varsovie, 19 - 22 Juin 1972 — Varsovie: Musée National, 1975

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Stefan Jakobielski

Polish Excavations at Old Dongola
Since the first Nubiological Symposium in Essen in 1969 dates back the habit of including among the
themes of papers presented also reports on the fieldwork done in Nubia in the recent years1.
Referring to this tradition I would like to present a communiqué on the last three campaigns of the
Polish Excavations at Old Dongola in 1970, 1971 and 19722.
The field work carried on in Old Dongola was concentrated on the three separate sites (cf. plan I) :
in the Church of Granite Columns, in the so-called Cruciform Building, located some 50 metres to
the South-East, and in the famous building in Dongola called previously the Church-Mosque, for
which now certainly another denomination has to be applied because as it appears it was
definitely not a church3.
Concerning the Church of Granite Columns, which was totally disinterred in 1967/68 season only
the additional evidence was gathered as to the dating of the cruciform baptistry basin located in
the Southeastern Room (fig. 1). It appeared that the structure is an original component of the
earliest interior of the Church of Columns. This statement throws some light on the dating of the
known pottery window-grilles4 found as a later fill of the basin once covered with the new paving.
This rules out the possibility of their having been earlier than the end of the 7th century, and on the
other hand, not later than the 10th century (i.e. the time of the rebuilding of the interior) and most
probably these window-grilles were the original feature of inner walls of the earliest interior of the
church. To that early 8th century period of the church existence also a side chapel located in the
eastern part of that room must be dated, of which the pavement and the place for a wooden altar
was discovered5.
For the Old Church (cf. plan 1 on p. 52) found in 1968 underneath the Church of Columns—or, to say
precisely—levelled and incorporated to the pavement of the previously mentioned, full
evidence was gathered in ‘71 and ‘72 campaigns6. In general terms, the church represents the
basilican three aisled type, with a room rather, than passage, behind the apse, and the area of the
pastophoria little projected outside the main body. The aisles are separated by rectangular piers.
The church apparently had no distinctive narthex and the main entrance led to the building from
the South through an imposing stairway made outside the building. The whole structure is built
of mudbrick except the pavement of well-laid pottery tiles.
A remarkable find is the baptistry basin in the form of an oval with two flights of steps leading to
1 These papers are edited in: E. Dinkier, Ed., Kunst und Geschichte Nubiens in christlichen Zeit, Recklinghausen 1970
(hereafter quoted: Nubische Kunst). There also two concern Dongola: K. Michalowski, Les fouilles polonaises
à Dongola, pp. 163-170; S. Jakobielski, Polish Excavations at Old Dongola 1969, pp. 171-180.
2 Beside myself acting as a field director the expeditions were composed of : Mr. L. Krzyzaniak—archeologist and
prehistorian, Mr. P. Gartkiewicz (1971-72), Mr. B. Kubicz (1971)—architects, Mr. Μ. Niepokôlczycki (1970)—geodesist
and photogrammetrist, Mr. T. Golgowski (1970) and Mr. W. Godlewski (1972)—archaeologists, Mr. W. Jerke—
photographer. From the part of the Sudan Antiquities Service Sayed Usama Abderrahman en-Nur (1970) and Syd.
Khidir Adam Eisa (1972) took part in the excavations. In 1972 Mr. P. Szolc—historian of religion, was attached for a
time to the expedition. Prof. T. Dzierzykray-Rogalski and Dr E. Prominska examined the skeletal material in 1972.
3 Cf. K. Michalowski, Dongola, Archeologia, XXIX (1969), p. 31; id., Nubische Kunst, p. 165.
4 Cf. Michalowski, in: Archeologia, XXIX (1969), p. 29; id., in: Nubische Kunst, fig. 139; Μ. Martens, Chronique
des Fouilles, Dongola, Etud. Trav. VII, fig. 3 p. 267.
5 On this and other finds within this room cf. also T. Dzierzykray-Rogalski and S. Jakobielski, supra, pp. 44 ff
6 This structure will be soon elaborated in detail by the chief architect of the Expedition Mr. P. Gartkiewicz, so only
the rough description is given here.
