Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 19.2019

DOI Artikel:
Dywan, Tomasz: Od „szkoły berlińskiej” do secesji: przyczynek do architektury miejskich zakładów przemysłowych Lwowa w latach 1858–1914
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to the complex was enclosed between two twin administrative buildings and
a smali concierge pavilion between them, on the top of which a cartouche with
the municipal emblem of Lviv was placed. As commissioned by the Municipal Au-
thority, these buildings were erected in the years 1898-1899 by Antoni Kunicki and
Zygmunt Krykiewicz (see: Figurę 8).89 Such layout of the buildings, reminiscent
of their counterparts in the central slaughterhouse and municipal marketplaces in
Leipzig and in Gdańsk, was intended to improve and order the process of animal
slaughter, and also to limit access of unauthorised persons to the slaughterhouse.90
The characteristic main entrance with the concierge pavilion at the centre was
modelled on similarly organized separate entrances to the slaughterhouses and
city markęts in Leipzig (see: Figurę 9).
“Hygienic” building materials and structures were used in the buildings
designated for slaughter, meat processing and storage. For this reason, wood
has been eliminated from the interior of these facilities. Timber was replaced
by morę expensive cast iron columns or forged iron structures (see: Draw-
ing 9). The task of the latter was to support the reinforced concrete ceilings
of the slaughterhouse and the cold room, as well as enable the installation
of equipment that would facilitate slaughtering. The floors of all rooms were
madę out of concrete or lined with ceramic tiles with stoneware gutters that
served for draining sewage to drainage wells constructed outside the build-
ings. These were equipped with sedimentation tanks, in which perforated iron
baskets were hung, designed to capture solid impurities and deposits. After
the tanks filled up, the employees removed their contents to cesspools. The de-
scribed method of cleaning and draining the waste was modelled on the system
considered to be the most “practical”, namely the one used in the municipal
slaughterhouse in Nuremberg.91
Communication of large and smaller cattle took inside the slaughterhouse
place via the central aisle, while slaughter was carried out in side aisles, addition-
ally connected along the longer walls of the building. Attached to them were
marble countertops and cast iron, enamelled sinks, intended for rinsing the in-
testines and entrails. In Lviv, however, the typical basilica layout of the aisles,
characteristic of municipal slaughterhouses of Frankfurt am Main, Nurem-
berg, or built at the same time in Wrocław and Poznań, was abandoned.92 Lviv
slaughterhouses were planned on a slightly smaller scalę, therefore, in order to
economize on construction costs, it was decided that the aisles would have a hall
layout. This arrangement deprived the central aisles of natural light, which is why
a glazed gap along the long axis of the building was madę in their ceilings, and
skylights in the roof ridges were fitted to illuminate the central aisle from above
(see: Figurę 10).93 The organization of work in a pig slaughterhouse looked slightly
89 cdiau-l, file 146, description 22-a, case 18, “Budowa domów administracyjnych”, f. 48-49v;
Nowa rzeźnia, “Kurier Lwowski”, 14 vni 1898, issue 224, p. 4.
90 Sprawozdanie komisji wydelegowanej, pp. 44-46; H. Lackner, Ein “blutiges Geschaft”, p. 102;
K.A. Wojtczak, Zespół zabudowań rzeźni miejskiej w Gdańsku jako element procesu sanacji miasta
w dobie rewolucji przemysłowej, “Rocznik Gdański”, 73-74, 2013-2014, p. 199 (fig. 2).
91 Sprawozdanie komisji wydelegowanej, p. 16.
92 Ibidem, pp. 24,35. Regarding the structure of the slaughterhouse building, see: S. Tholl, Preufien
blutige Mauern, pp. 283-286; A. Gryglewska, R Gerber, Wpływ rozwoju technologii, pp. 364-365.
93 Detailed description of these buildings and their equipment is given by Wincenty Górecki,
Nowa rzeźnia, pp. 131-134,157-161.

Figurę 8. Main gate
of the municipal slaughter-
house at Gabrielivka, status
after 1915. From the collec-
tion of Zakład Narodowy
im Ossolińskich (National
Ossoliński Institute) in
see p. 185
Figurę 9. View of the en-
trance to the markets
of municipal slaughter-
house in Leipzig, status as
of ca.1912. Photo by atelier
H. Walter, illustration based
on Leipzig. Fotografien 1867
bis 1929, edited by A. Bla-
schke, K. Czok, Leipzig 1991
-> see p. 186
Figurę 10. Interior of large
cattle abattoir, status as
of 1902. Source: W. Górecki,
Nowa rzeźnia miejska we
Lwowie, “Przegląd Higie-
niczny”, 1,1902, no. 5-12,
p. 158
-» see p. 187

Drawing 9. Cross-section
and views of the large cattle
abattoir elevation, view
of the intestinal washer.
Source: W. Górecki, Nowa
rzeźnia miejska we Lwowie,
“Przegląd Higieniczny”,!,
1902, no. 5-12, table u
-> see p. 187

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