Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The tomb was first described by

JOMAED in 1798 {Description de VEgypte, Antiq., Tome iv., pp. 335-347). In March, 1826,
it was visited by

JAMES BUETON (Diary, 1825, March 12-15, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. No. 25637, fl. 2, 4, 73 ;
Brit. Mus. Add. MS. No. 25657, f. 9); and three years later by the members of the
Franco-Tuscan Expedition under

CHAMPOLLION and KOSELLINI (Tomb of " Eotei," Champollion's Lettres ecrits, p. 42 ;
Monuments, pis. ccclxxx. and cclxxi., &c.; Notices, Tome ii., fF. 334-358; Papiers de
Champollion, Supplement 36 fF. 81-128, in the Bibl. Nat. Paris ; Bosellini's I Monu-
menti dell' Egitto e delta Nubia, II. Mon. civili, pis. ii., x., xv., &c.; and MSS. in the
Library of the University at Pisa). Small scale copies of the paintings of the North
wall (western half) and of the West wall were made by

EOBEET HAY in 1828, and copies of these were afterwards coloured for him by Dnpuy in
1833 (see his journal in Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29857, fF. 97-120; copies in Brit. Mus.
Add. MS. 29847, f. 10 ; Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29813, fF. 46-50, 55, 74-78). A few of the
scenes were also traced and coloured (Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 29850, fF. 64, 72, &c).
Several of the scenes were copied by

WILKINSON in 1834 (Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, ed. 1878, vol. i., pp. 203,
371, 394, &c, and MSS. in the possession of Sir Vauncey Crewe); and some of the
inscriptions by the members of the Prussian Expedition under

LEPSIUS in 1842 (see MSS. at Berlin and Denkmaler, Abth. ii., Bl. 142, h-k, Bl. 143, a-d;
Briefe, p. 97-100).